Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why are cats so fussy!

My food is so simple, no faff, quick and easy to prepare. Breakfast today was porridge with a handful of sultanas, and some peach slices. Lunch was a cheese sandwich, and half a tin of rice pudding. Dinner tonight was four small potatoes, two onions, and some broccoli, served on a bed of couscous. Very filling 
Why can't feeding cats be just as simple. Why do they turn their noses up at everything I put before them. One day they will like something and the next they won't touch it. It drives me potty. 
'Here kitty kitty, please eat your chuffin dinner. No. Don't like it, well try this one then. Don't like that one either, well what about this one then? Still don't like it, well tough, because that's all you are getting'. Then I walk away. Chuffin cats, costs more to feed them than it does to feed me. Don't worry, I'll go to town tomorrow and get you something else. I must be nuts, ha ha.
George update....He has moved on and now has his own en suite apartment in the Kitty Hotel, aka the rescue pens. One became vacant so I moved him over there yesterday. I rang half an hour ago to ask how he is getting on, he is fine. He has a lady cat next door and a view of the garden. Much more interesting for him. He didn't really like being confined in one room here. It's ok in the short term when nothing else is available. I'll go and see him in the next few days. 
It's been a fabulous day today. Tidying in the garden, and a walk in the park. Spring has sprung. 
Toodle pip. 

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