Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Him Bugsy, me slave :o))

Told you it would rain today, and it did. Twas chucking it down all morning. This is where I spend a lot of my time, with the sewing machine and computer close to hand. My desk light is handy for lighting the area I am working in. 
Bugsy has to be right up close to me, if I didn't put his bed here he would be crying to sit on my knee. As my legs are under the table this would not work. I have to keep stroking him, and whispering in his ear. He rests his chin on the cushion and purrs contentedly. Every so often he gets out of his bed and I lift him down. He could jump off but I prefer to help him, don't want him overdoing things at his age. He strolls across the room to the other table and climbs up with the help of a chair. His food is on that table. So all day he goes backwards and forwards from bed to food, and back again. With the occasional stop off at the litter box. He has a wonderful life. I am honoured to be his slave.

This afternoon I did an hour on the cross trainer while watching Mr Selfridge on the itv catchup. Another hour of sweating. I like that programe. There are a few decent programes on at the moment. Lunch today was a portion of frozen carrot soup and a slice of wholemeal bread. Cheap 'n cheerful.

I've just scoffed a mega portion of steamed veggies for my dinner tonight. Potatoes, carrots, sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and onion. A splodge of tartar sauce helped it down a treat. Sorry no picture but you know what it looks like. I am using the heating very sparingly, only putting it on for an hour when it is very cold. Sometimes I just put the gas fire on for an hour in the living room, sometimes that's all that's needed.

Time to go and sit with George for half an hour. I went round to the mother of the lad who dumped him, to ask for a donation towards his food. She wasn't in but the sister was, so I asked her to pass on the message. Don't expect anything to be forthcoming, I felt I had to voice my disapproval on what he had done.  
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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