Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bestest shopping bags ever ;o)

Hello. We've had better weather today, no rain  :o) The kids are playing a game of musical beds, all change places. Bugsy has gone from the office chair, to Rocky's cushion, and now he is in Rocky's bed. Rocky Boyo is dead miffed now he can't sleep in his favourite place. I've put another cushion down for him. Mayze can be found on the landing upstairs, she comes down when I get my camp bed out and wants to sleep on my legs but there isn't enough room, so she buries herself in the duvet hanging over the side. Heidi decided she likes to lie on the pile of shopping bags I've made which are on the dining table chair. I've had to remove them and give her a basket with a towel to lie in. Poor Heidi has to go back to see Marian, the nice vet lady, tomorrow, she is tired, not eating much and it looks like her anaemia is back :o(
I've been sewing today, made four shopping bags with some lovely fabric I got at the Scrapstore. This makes a total of 18 to sell at the Christmas fair on Saturday. Aren't they pretty. 

I had a pack of fine green beans which needed eating, yellow sticker 20p, so I added an onion and made some soup. 
Some veg gravy granules and garlic powder, zapped with the stick blender, with a smattering of grated mature cheddar cheese stirred in. It was bloomin lovely. Two portions, one for lunch and one mid afternoon.

Our new Post Office opened today which is good news. It is a pop up one, where the counter clerk comes with a box and sets up shop in the vestry at the church. It's three mornings a week, which I suppose is better than no Post Office at all.

I had a phone call today from them at the BBC, have I got any ideas for another short film they could make about food. I've had a good think about it and nothing springs to mind. I thought I would ask you clever people if you can think of a topic. It could be to do with eating out, buying food, preparing food, growing food, any grumbles about what you buy, where you shop, poor customer service, getting value for money, fast food outlets, inedible food, awful junk food, why you won't go back to a food or eating place again, food on the go. Anything about food. I don't think they would run to filming in America, so the UK only. I think most of it has been covered in the programmes already out there, but you never know there might be a topic that no one has thought of.

Right, I'm off out for a fast walk around the village. Rocky has already had his walk, he did well, went a bit further than usual, now he has crashed out. I'll sneak out for half an hour while he isn't looking.

Catch up with you soon. Toodle pip.
PS, someone asked what Toodle pip means. Cheerio, goodbye, see ya, tatty byes = Toodle pip.

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