Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Totally nuts !

Hello. I get the feeling that something is soon going to happen. Preparations are being made, people are making lists and rushing about getting everything ready. I feel a sense of anticipation in the air, normal day to day routines are put on hold while the focus is on this one annual event. The tension is electric. It's like waiting for an explosion to happen, the fuse has been lit and it's only a matter of time till the whole thing comes crashing down. In just one day it will be over.

I am not part of this ritual, I watch and I smile, glad to be an observer not a participant. I will stand in the sidelines, ignoring the mayhem around me. I quite like these words from the poem If, by Rudyard Kipling.

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master.

My words.
If you can take control of your life, while everyone else is going bonkers.
If you can speak up for yourself and stick to your principals. No more Christmas shopping.
If you can show tenacity and stick with what you believe to be right. I can give gifts at any time.
If you can stick your head in the clouds but keep two feet on the ground. Be realistic with your money. No cash, no spend.

I read that there was a six hour wait to get out of Bluewater Shopping Centre yesterday. The place was gridlocked, people gave up and abandoned their cars, which only exacerbated the problem. I have no sympathy for these people at all, are they completely off their trollies? Why are they putting themselves through this torture? Totally nuts.

I shall make a trip to Tesco on Christmas Eve about an hour before they shut at 7pm. Hopefully most people will have given up and gone home by then. Not that I need anything, I have enough food in. But there might be a few bargains at ridiculously low prices and it would be a shame to miss them if it's something I normally eat and can be put in the freezer.

Countdown to Christmas, are you ready? Yep, I'm ready, bring it on and let's get it over with. Bah Humbug.

Lots of love,
Ilona xxxxxx

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