Sunday, December 6, 2015

Can I have my breakfast now?

Good morning. I trust you have had a wonderfully relaxed start to the day. I'll let you in on my Sunday morning at Tightwad Towers. I was a little bit late up, unusual for me, but as I awoke at 5am I thought that's a bit too early to get up, so I went off back to snoozeland, and after a short trucking dream I finally got up at 8am.
The usual procedure is that I have my coffee first, the kids have to wait. As Rocky was mooching around my feet and Mayze was at her feeding station on the kitchen window sill watching everything that came out of the fridge, I felt the only way I was going to drink my coffee in peace was to feed them first. Plus then I had to give Heidi her tablet followed by a bowl of lip smacking gravyish Sheba cat food. She takes her tablet with a little bit of indignation, but all is forgiven for my man handling of her when she sees what's in the bowl. 
At last, time to relax with the papers and coffee. Well you can see how successful that was. Heidi was determined that she wanted my full attention by parking herself under my nose. I solved the problem. Open two newspapers side by side, and whichever one she wants to lie on, I read the other. An office chair with wheels makes that easy to do. 
Bags dumped from yesterday. First job after breakfast is to unpack and put away.

Half way through my coffee and thinking about breakfast, the familiar sound of a cat retching made me look up. Oh dear, a hiccup, no, a bit more than a hiccup, vomit. Bugsy had scoffed his breakfast so quickly that it had reappeared, in his bed. Gawd, thanks a lot. I removed said bed outside the back door and finished my coffee.

Bugsy moved to the other bed while I cleaned up the mess and replaced mucky bedding with clean. That will have to go in the washer, now, another job. Clean bed put down. Bugsy preferred to stay where he was.

Rocky waiting patiently for me to say the magical word, 'walkies'. Not yet Rocky, I want my breakfast.

My bed needs putting away first, bedding stacked up on the chair in the corner, camp bed and mattress underneath the table. It takes five seconds to get it out and put it away again. People may think I'm daft camping out in my own living room, but it's surprising how comfortable it is. The bed is very cozy and I drop off to sleep immediately, Rocky by my side on the floor and the cats have their favourite places. It's like living in a bedsit.  
I was given this cyclamen yesterday, lovely isn't it. I think I might have a fancy pot for it somewhere, but then I might not, could have given it away. Can't be bothered to look for it, this empty tin will do the job, a perfect fit. Crikey, it must be about five years old, I don't eat fish any more, gave it up over two years ago. Does that make me a hoarder?

I bought a carton of Rice Milk the other day as I was passing the Cash and Carry, (always worth a look). I've been meaning to try it for a long time, but it's quite expensive, and it would be daft to switch from my cheaper Soya Milk which I like, if it's going to cost more. Anyhow, this was 20p, out of date on the 1st December. I'm not sure if it's long life, but worth a try.

Just as I was about to sit down to breakfast, Bugsy realized he had an empty tummy, and demanded food. Blimey, no peace for me round here. I gave him a small portion of chopped chicken. That's all you're getting. 
At last, I can sit down and eat. This is how I have my breakfast, they say you shouldn't eat and look at a screen at the same time, but I don't care. I like it here. The Rice Milk by the way is fine, perfectly acceptable. I will get some more when I am passing. They only have half a pallet though, that's the problem with short dated food, one day it's there, the next it's gone. That's why it pays me to be flexible with my eating. I can chop and change my diet.

Ready to take Rocky out and it's raining. It will pass over, looks like it will be a dodging the showers day today. I'll let you get on with your Sunday and I'll get on with mine. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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