Thursday, December 31, 2015

That's it, a fresh new year about to start

Hello. Oh boy have I started something now. The walking for fitness thing has really struck a chord, and 32 people have said they will join me in walking 1000 miles in one year. Cycling is allowed as well, if you like. That's chuffin amazing. I have put all the names on the sidebar of those taking part, I will make a separate page to record our progress. If you all tell me your totals at the end of every month I will add them to the page next to your name. Are you ready for off, you start tomorrow. 
I missed my three mile walk last night, it was raining, so I did two walks today. This morning and tonight. That takes my total for December to 75. Don't worry, you will soon catch up. 
I have been walking past a house that is undergoing renovation work, and I spotted some bricks among the pile of rubble on the front lawn. No one lives there so I wasn't able to ask if I could have any bricks until I saw someone working on it this morning. YAY, I managed to salvage 60 bricks. There are some more if I want to dig them out from under the soil, I'll think about that. I've made a start on removing some of the wooden pallets from around my raised beds, but it's a bit windy and cold at the moment to do much work outside. I also need a lot more more bricks to replace the wood, I'll keep my eyes open.

Well it's that time of the year again, New Years Eve, the last day of the year. S'pose this is the time to look back and work out if it could have been any better. And look forward to see if the next one could be made any better. I always keep my calendars to skim over, as a reminder of what has happened. 2015 was pretty good for me. I had a new car, I built my summerhouse, holidays in Derbyshire, Devon and Norfolk, days out walking alone or with my buddies, days out with Rocky, camping with Rocky, and filming for the BBC to be broadcast in March.

I haven't been able to get out as much as I would like, that's because of my commitment to my animals. Rocky has been here for two years. I offered him a home which was accepted, and I knew I would have to make compromises, but the joy I have had from him makes it worthwhile. He is getting old now, and is not in the best of health. He doesn't like to be away from me, he misses me when he goes to Barry for a day, he misses me when Janet comes in to look after him. When I come back it's like I have been gone for ever, when in fact it's only a few hours. He is beside himself with happiness to see me, so I feel I can't leave him too often. Today he has had a bath, he's not had one since September. The heating is on to make sure he is dry before going outside. Tomorrow we are going to Nottingham to visit relatives, so I think it's best that he smells clean in someone else's house. I was going to take a photo of him in the bath, but forgot all about it in my haste to get him washed, rinsed, and towel dried. He is a good boy, standing still while I do it.

So what about next year. No resolutions, just to be happy, and keep busy. Be grateful that I have a brilliant life, grateful that I have nice friends, real and internet friends, grateful that I can afford food and a roof over my head, a nice car, and my pets, and I'm eternally grateful that I have good health. I like to live with an attitude of gratitude, I have so much to be thankful for.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year, and that 2016 is the best ever year for all of us. 

Thank you for keep coming back and reading, I very much appreciate your lovely comments and emails.
Catch you soon. Toodle pip

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