Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Are you ready for the off?

Hello Bloggerettes. I've been thinking about this 1000 mile challenge and I think we ought to open it up to anyone who wants to walk, run, cycle, swim, skateboard, scoot, treadmill, ski, snowboard, ice skating, roller skating, surf, stroll, bimble, and cover the 1000 miles in whatever way they choose. The important thing is to get people doing physical activity, rather than sitting around on their bum.

Here are the rules of the challenge.
No motorized assistance, wheels are allowed but no petrol/electric motors. You must propel yourself.
You can mix any of the activities listed, do whatever suits you, but keep moving.
Count up your own miles and keep a record. No embroidering the truth, no cheating, you only let yourself down if you tell porkies.
You can count normal day to day activity in this, or set time aside for it. If you do a desk job, walk in your lunch break, or walk to and from work.
You can do as little or as much as you like in a day or a week. If you have a four hour session and cover ten miles, you could take the following day off. If you get a bit behind and take too many days off you will need to work harder to catch up. You might want to keep chipping away at it a bit at a time, or you might like to walk for several days in one go.
The official start date is Jan 1st, mine was Dec 1st. If you are not sure you want to do this give it a month and see how you feel. I hope no one will drop out
We all cheer each other on. If you are struggling tell us, it's a team effort.
Everyone will send an update in a comment at the end of every month, with a total covered so far. I will record this on here.
Anyone missing a whole month with nothing to report will have to go back to the beginning and start again on the 1st of the following month. It's in your own interests to keep trying, a little bit is better than nothing.

If you think this is a game, it isn't, it's all about looking after your body. No one can do it for you, you are in charge, you decide. It might take a few weeks before you feel the benefits, but don't be disheartened, it will take a while. This is not a quick fix, there will be no immediate weight loss, you need to look at your diet if you want to drop a few pounds. You will not suddenly be able to run a marathon. If you are not normally active it's a lifestyle change which needs to be gradually worked on, and incorporated ideally into your daily or weekly activities. Good luck everyone, and keep focused on that 1000 miles.

A quick catchup. I did the yellow sticker shop last night, got a good haul of veg, salad, dairy, and bread. The new fridge freezer is great, plenty of room for my bargains. Today I went to town, bank to take out some dosh, stock up on pet food. I see that Ultima dry cat food is on offer in Wilko, the cats will be pleased, I had run out.

Rubbish day today weatherwise, dull, dark, drizzly, and very windy. I had to retrieve my plastic and cardboard recycling from across the street, the wind had blown the wheelie bin over. At least we haven't had any floods to contend with, I feel very sorry for those people in Yorkshire and Lancashire, and along the west and south coast. The nearest floods to us are 30 miles away in Selby. Such terrible pictures in the newspapers.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip

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