Saturday, December 5, 2015

Come along to our Christmas Fair.

Hello. I'ts blowing a gale outside but we have missed the rain which has caused flooding further north. We were all snug inside the Village hall for our Christmas fair. Set up time was from 9am and after I dropped Rocky off with Barry just before nine, I staggered round to the hall carrying umpteen bags. The access isn't very good for cars, it's down a narrow lane, and I knew the High Street would be clogged up so I thought it was best to walk there. Unfortunately I realized I had left one bag behind with the most important item in it, the banner, so I legged it back home to get it. 
Here we are all set up and waiting for customers. Hilary is demonstrating crochet and is on hand to give anyone instruction in this craft. Everything on the table is for sale made by various members, and there are a few items on display which are not for sale to give people ideas of what sort of crafts we do. I think we have made the best use of our space, and made an eye catching display. 
Having a look around the room before it got busy, there were items for sale and various tombolas with exciting prizes to be won.

The ladies from the Hospice Supporters Group were ready for action, and full of smiles.

This is a good opportunity for the village people to get together and have a natter.

Now this is a 'must buy something' kind of stall, the WI ladies always bake a good selection of delicious cakes. I have to confess I did part with a wee bit of cash, the Cinnamon Shortbread caught my eye, and almost jumped into my hand. At 50p for six large biscuits it was a bargain, and it tastes simply delicious. 
This is the tombola and bric a brac stall for our cat rescue. looks like a good selection on offer there.

The Chairman of the Parish Council is on hand to open the event at 11am.

Ah look, Santa has moved into the Grotto I built for him. Ann has added a few more decorations, he looks right at home there.

I took over the microphone and got on stage to do my piece about up cycling, at 12 o clock. I wondered if it was the right place to talk about this when everyone was there for Christmas Shopping. I kept it short and tried to make it upbeat, and was pleased that about 90% of the audience were listening to me. I bet they will all be looking out for me from now on whenever a skip appears in the village, ha ha.

It got really busy in the afternoon when the junior school children arrived with their parents and grandparents in tow. They are very enthusiastic performers when they all get on stage to sing together. This made a lovely finale to the entertainment. Apologies for this photo being out of focus, I took it from the back of the room with my hand held high.

 The Grand Raffle was drawn at 2.45pm and after everyone had claimed their prizes people started to drift away. We did very well for sales on our Crafty stall, Linda, Janet and I all sold quite a few things. I sold 12 of the shopping bags, and when someone bought something for a few pounds I gave them a free bag.  I was able to made a good donation for the cats, which added to what they made it was a good result.

I really enjoyed the day, it was good fun. Now I am scoffing the lovely shortbread. I'm off out in a minute for a power walk. I started doing this on the 1st December and plan to do half an hour of fast walking every night at around 8 or 9pm. Warms me up a treat, though the other night I got soaked as it chucked it down when I was half way round the circuit.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Thanks for popping in. Catch up with you soon. Toodle pip.

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