Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bishop Burton walkabout

Good morning on this sunny but chilly Easter Sunday morning. I set the bedside clock forward one hour, due to the start of British Summertime, it was 7am when I rolled out of bed, so 6am in old money. My watch has yet to catch up. As soon as the cats hear me stir they are up and hanging around the back door, waiting to be let out.
Yes, it was a bit of a grueller yesterday, but I set off with the intention of upping the mileage a notch or two. I like to push myself a bit, to see what can actually be achieved. Another trip over the bridge into the Yorkshire Wolds. My map is fast filling up with coloured lines highlighting the routes I have walked. There are some parts that are lacking in footpaths and bridleways, so some road walking is needed to join up the circles. My starting point was Walkington, guess what I did first, pop in the shop and go straight to the back to see if there were any out of date goodies in the trolley. Bingo, success. I bought some naughty chocolate, two at 10p each, and a big bag of crisps for 10p. A nice start to the day.
I took a bridleway out of the village which is part of the High Hunsley Circuit. It is a circular route of  25.5 miles long, achievable in a day for experienced walkers. I don't follow established long distance routes in their entirety, preferring to hop on and off as I make up my own walks. So, I arrived in the village of Bishop Burton, and what a pretty village it is. Real chocolatey box type stuff. I couldn't resist lingering a while. Oh my, isn't this gorgeous.        
There is a massive village pond. The only thing marring this idylic setting is the main road which passes through, just beyond those white rainings over there. The drone of traffic is forever present.
Lots of white buildings with unusual features. The sticking out windows just below the eaves.
A lot of the houses had a rustic wooden porch over the front door, which was supported by tree trunks that have been left in their natural state, polished to preserve them. 
Ducks and swans wandered around freely on the village green. There was a hunt the Easter egg competition going on, a stall was set up and children were excitedly running around with a piece of paper and pencil searching out the hidden eggs. I could have joined in that myself, there was one behind the church, and one on the railings next to the duck pond.
The sun was in the wrong place for a good photo of the church, a bit of shadow on one side of it.
Inside a small display of Easter flowers, with little peg characters. 
You can see the porch a bit more clearly on this photo.
Even the pub on the main road had the same porch at the front.
Time to move on, I've got some walking to do. Continuing along the High Hunsley Circuit, there was a long tramp through several fields. Luckily the ground was not swampy, it has dried out nicely. Some remaining snow drifts in the hedges, quite high in places. A bit chilly but ok if I keep moving.  
Time for a late lunch. Not many places to sit down in the middle of the countryside, oooh look, some very conveniently placed bales of hay. I wasn't there long though, the sky blackend and flurries of snow were dropping on my head.
I passed Newbold Lodge, one of the many farms along the way, and when I reached the road, I turned right past Arras Cottages and continued up Kiplingcotes Lane. Eventually it comes to Hudsons Way Nature Reserve, where I stopped for a few minutes at the old railway station. The station is now a house, and another building has been turned into a small furniture making business.
The Wilberforce Way is the old railway line which was converted to a cycle and footpath. At this point it crosses over a farm access road. The path continues under the bridge on the left.
It was a long and pretty boring trek along the straight path, at least I could get some speed up as the ground conditions were quite good. The only people I saw was a group of cyclists braving the cold. The Wilberforce Way became the Hudson Way. I find it confusing when two long paths merge and they run together along the same path. This is where I got off, at Mill Farm. You can get a glimpse of the old mill here in the top right of the picture. It has been left to go to ruin, shame really.  
By now I was ready to head back, so the last part of it was the quickest way, by road. Time to march on. The roads were quiet however, and some of the grass verges were pretty flat so I was able to walk on them to save wearing down the soles of my boots on the tarmac. A quick look at Cherry Burton on my way through. The church is gorgeous, but the village is not half as pretty as it's neighbouring village, Bishop Burton.  
A simple but very nice altar.
Just as I was coming back into Walkington, the sun was going down, and made a beautiful sunset. There has been a mixture of all sorts of weather today. At times I was pretty cold, but other times the sun came out. I was striding along and I had to roll my knee length socks down and remove my scarf and gloves, because I was too hot.
I started at 10.30 am and finished at 6.15pm. Ready for home now ready for a sit down, ready for my dinner. More spinach and mushrooms, and the left overs warmed in the microwave from the meal out last night. Yes I took my own plastic box with me because I knew I wouldn't be able to eat the whole lot. Ha ha. Thanks for reading. Toodle pip. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

18 miles today

Howdy. Do you mind if I don't write a long post tonight? In fact, could I make it very short? Well, just a few words really. I've walked a long way today, 18 miles to be exact, and I'm a little bit weary. I am creating two posts at the same time, this one, and uploading the photo's on another one, flicking between the two. I'm not going to get it done so I'll finish it in the morning. If that's alright with you. Ta ever so. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Life before money

Hi, The weather has picked up a bit here in North Lincolnshire. Spring has almost sprung, and I have a line full of washing wafting gently in the breeze. Temperatures are a lot higher than yesterday, it won't be long before I am peeling off a few layers. Whoa, steady on, it's not that warm, ha ha.
In response to Anon who has requested some more oldie photo's, I've dug out a few, with a little bit of a story behind them. I was brought up in a Council house on an estate. Today they call it Social Housing, and the new houses are built much closer together. We had lots of room on our estate, a big garden and space to roam about the village and the countryside.
So, who's in this photo? It was taken in January 1965 by me, at the front of the house next door. On the left is Bob who lived there. On the right is Jack, his nephew who came to visit. My mum, brother and sister are in the middle. Jack had gone through the process of applying to emigrate to Australia, I seem to remember that they had a scheme where people could go for £10. He came to say cheerio as it wasn't long before his leaving date. We were all very sad to say goodbye, but wished him well in his new life. He made a promise to us before he left, he said he was going to buy a farm and when he was established he would send for us. We were so excited to think that we might be going to join him later. We talked about it for ages after, to anyone who would listen. Sadly he never did send for us.
I was totally in love with Jack, he was very handsome. I wonder what happened to him.
When we left the council estate, mum found the four of us somewhere else to live. She didn't have much money, living off the maintenance payments from dad, and a little bit from the part time job she had in a factory canteen. She found us a small three bedroom terrace house with no bathroom, no hot water, and no heating. We had a gas fire in the living room that was all. There was a draught coming through all the window frames, and a big hole in the rotten floorboards just inside the front door, which we couldn't use for fear of falling through it. 
This is me tidying my bedroom. There is no plaster on the wall behind me, and the furniture is a mishmash of all kinds of handmedowns and cast offs. On the left you can just about see a bit of the tea chest which I used for a cupboard/table. It has a blanket over the top of it to try and hide the unsightly wooden box.  
Our house was next to a pub called The Black Horse, we never went in there. Mum didn't like pubs after being forced to go to my dad's local for years. On the other side of us were Tom and Mavis, their two girls, and Mavis's mother. They had this lovely German Shepherd called Joker. He was so gorgeous, mum loved him. Our row of houses was like those  you see on Coronation Street, only we were on a busy road.
We had very small back gardens, and the toilet was in a shed outside the back door. Bloomin cold in the winter with the wind whistling under the door. I can remember sitting there reading the squares of newspaper hanging on a nail on the inside of the door. Over the back wall was a factory yard. Roberts and Birch made meat products, I worked there for a while. On a Sunday night a lorry would arrive with a load of squealing pigs. The noise was horrendous, I'm sure they knew they were going to be slaughtered. I got the sack from the factory as it was upsetting me so much and making me feel sick. This was the start of me thinking I ought to become a vegetarian.
So here I am at age 18, (1967) leaving home to go and live in Blackpool. All my worldly possessions in one small plastic case and a plastic carrier bag. Hair dyed, back combed and laquered, wearing my green woolen coat and brown suede calf length boots.
Mum walked with me to the railway station, our little dog Nipper came along as well. Time to go out into the big wide world and start the rest of my life. I was so excited. Mum was very upset. 
I will maybe find some more pics another time, don't want to bore you to death.
My lunch for today, the plate is now clean, I have scoffed the lot. An advocado pear, four mushrooms, banana, melon, strawberry, more melon, pieces of apple, served on a bed of spinach, with a small tub of yogurt which came with the prepared fruit. Lipsmackin fantabulous.
I will only have a light snack later as I'm going out for a meal tonight, with my friends. It's been three months since we last met up at Arties Mill, so time for another get together and chinwag. I have no plans for this Easter, might go out somewhere, might not. I will do what ever takes my fancy, don't I always, ha ha. I hope you have a nice holiday with whatever you are doing. Toodle pip.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Healthy eating on the cheap.

Good morning. I invested two hours of my time last night in Tesco, to gain a saving of £46.77, the difference between the £5.43 I paid for this lot, and the £52.20 it should have cost. My goodness, isn't fruit and veg an astronomical price now, shock horror.
Here is a breakdown. Real price in brackets.
Mushrooms x 6 = 52p  (£5.20)
Spinach x 1 = 20p  (£2.00)
Salad leaves x 2 = 20p  (£2.00)
Brocolli x 4 = 72p  (£7.00)
Brussel sprouts x 5 = 90p  (£8.75)
Brocolli and carrots x 1 = 13p  (£1.25)
Mixed veg stewpack x 1 = 9p  (90p)
Prepared fruit x 4 = 56p  (£5.60)
Prepared fruit x 2 = 30p  (£3.00)
Raspberries x 4 = 80p  (£8.00)
Melon portion x 1 = 13p  (£1.25)
Advocado pears (2pack) x 2 = 40p  (£4.00)
Iceberg lettuce x 1 = 10p  (£1.00)
Bread x 1 = 25p  (£1.00)
Spicy dip x 1 = 13p  (£1.25)
My total shop came to £23.10, which included a couple of items for the cats. I had two money off vouchers for a box of Felix pouches, and when I got to the till I handed all the vouchers over to the assistant so she could scan them. I knew some of them wouldn't be accepted, but was surprised to see that it did accept the two vouchers for £1.90 off a single box of Felix. On the other hand it didn't accept the 25p voucher off the bag of sultanas, so I went to customer service to query this. I was handed the 25p and an apology for the mistake. It pays to ask.
I needed a few other items apart from the yellow stickers. A bag of walnuts and a bag of almonds, must eat more nuts. I went for a slightly cheaper cheese this time, as I need to reduce my cheese consumption. I got Gouda slices and Edam slices, and a tub of cottage cheese for a change. Something I thought I would try, bags of corn for popping are on offer at 49p, so I will give that a go.
There was very little reduced bread, but no matter, I have enough in the freezer to keep me going, I don't eat loads of bread anyway. Thank goodness there was no cakes, so no giving in to temptation there. I did get a free Cadbury's Cream Egg however, with a voucher they sent me.
So, my breakfast this morning.....The raspberries will have to be eaten quite quickly, I am sure I can manage that, ha ha. Crunchy nut flakes from my bulk buy cereals from the Cash and Carry, a banana from a bag of reduced, on their way out bananas, from Asda, diluted evaporated milk from the bulk buy reduced at Tesco, 30p a tin. Still got a few left, this has saved me loads of money on milk for cereals.
I shall give away some mushrooms and sprouts, as they don't freeze too well. The brocolli will be eaten quickly, and the two bags of prepared veg will be turned into veggie stew and frozen in portions. My shopping is an example of Time Rich, Cash Poor. I don't have much money to live on, but I have the time to invest in searching out the best buys. I wish I had retired earlier, knowing what I know now.

Talking of poor pensioners feeling the cold, take a look at this clip. It's a good larf for a Thursday.

Toodle pip.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Carol

Happy Birthday Carol

It's Carol's birthday today, she is 64. Carol is my very bestest friend, we have know each other since we were in junior school together. This picture is from her 60th birthday party, I can't believe that four years have flown by so quickly. A reminder that we must all make the most of our lives.

We have each gone our seperate ways over the years, taking completely different career paths. When we were little girls people thought we were sisters because of some similarities, both skinny, both blonde, and both wore specs. Carol lived in the next street to me, but we were constantly in each others houses. There was a big green area which we used to play on, it was very quiet then, not many people had cars. Summer days were spent going bike rides around the lanes, and paddling in the river. Her mum and my mum were friends, she is the eldest of three and so am I.

Carol on the left, with my penfriend Janet who came for a holiday in August 1964.

We went a bike ride. Far left, my sister Anna, she was not happy as mum said we had to take her with us. Next Janet, don't know who the middle girl is, then Carol and me. This photo was taken outside our school, The Forest of Needwood Secondary Modern School. Neither of us managed to pass the 11 plus for the Grammar or High School. It was August 1964, the year we walked out of the gates for the last time. I was elated, now I could go out into the world and find a job. Carol continued her education with a year at college, she went on to do secretarial and book keeping work. She has made a good career for herself as an accountant, and unlike me, a lady of leisure, she is still working part time because she enjoys it.
Last year Carol made a suggestion. It will be 50 years next year when we left school. What about organising a reunion for 2014. I thought it would be too big a task, people will now be scattered all over the world. Lately I have been mulling it over in my mind. With modern technology and all the social networking sites, a lot of the work could be done on the computer. I think we should have a go at it. Wouldn't it be marvelous to catch up with school mates fifty years on. I have lots of ideas to search for people, and we have over a year to organise it. I think it should be doable, and quite exciting.

This is a pic of Carol taken a couple of months ago. She was at a family wedding in Hawaii. Sorry it's a bit blurry, I cropped it from a larger one. I am so pleased that she is on a mission to look after her health. She has changed her diet, cut the crap, and now eats lots of healthy food. Carol, I'm proud of you, you're a star.

Happy Birthday me old mate. I shall be joining you in a few weeks time, ha ha. Sixty four eh, yikes, it's scary. Toodle pip.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Busy indoors

I am keeping myself busy indoors, another cold wintery day. Haven't got a right lot to write about though because I've been working on the latest project, and I don't want to reveal too much until I have finished it. Here's a little taster. It's coming along nicely, but still a way to go. Can't rush these things.
Lunch today was one of those 39p ready meals I bought from Morrisons last week. Mushroom Pasta Bake. As I already had some fresh mushrooms, I decided to add a few more to the meal. I also added some garlic out of a jar. Served on a bed of spinach. Lip smackin deeelishus.  
Tonights dinner was another bowl of the curried veggie stew. I am about ready to do a Tesco shop as I have run out of vegetables. Can't be bothered to go tonight, maybe tomorrow night. I don't want to leave it too late and get caught up in the Easter shopping frenzy.

Short and sweet tonight. Welcome to the new readers, I hope you enjoy your time here.
Toodle pip.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Crafty ideas for plastic

Another cold day today, when will it ever warm up. I went to the mobile library and nearly freezed me tits off, even though it's only two minutes walk away. He had the heater blowing lovely hot air throughout the van, it was toasty. Had to get out at 5pm though, he had to go back to the depot. Lovely bowl of hot curried veg stew for dinner.
Yesterday some people said that they didn't want to play around with drinks cans, for fear of slicing their fingers off, so here's something you can do which isn't quite so dangerous. Make plastic flowers instead. I have a collection of coloured plastic bottles and containers, they are very usefull for crafting projects, and they are free. Draw the shape you want on a piece of greaseproof or tracing paper, and transfer it onto the plastic. Then cut the shape out with a pair of nail scissors. I also use a small crafting knife as well, to trim up any messy edges. You need plastic which is flexible, if it is too thick and too rigid, it will crack.
You can pierce the centre with the point of the nail scissors, and thread some wire through.
The small coloured flower shaped beads came from a childs necklace which I bought at a car boot sale for a few pennies. They are ideal for the centre of these flowers.  
This is a very small section of the project I am working on. I've made a bit of progress today, some new ideas have come into my head, and I am beginning to see how it might shape up.
Erm, excuse me Lady, what do you think you are doing?
Oooops, I've been rumbled...... Look at that innocent 'butter wouldn't melt in the mouth', pose.
Lady, you are a very clever, but cheeky girl. You know that's the cupboard with the treats in, and you have managed to work out how to open the door by yourself. Oh go on then, you might as well have one now. But don't let me catch you doing that again. I'm going to tie the handles together next time you come to visit.
Pam, I haven't forgotten your email, I'll reply soon.
Happy crafting. Toodle pip.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

An idea for recycling rubbish

It's a little bit brighter today, but still very windy and freezing cold. There's still some snow about but it isn't shifting because it's frozen solid, so I am staying indoors and getting on with the new artyfarty piece. I have started work on the smaller body panel, which is the same size as the yellow one. My ideas seem to change as I am progressing, I'm constantly thinking of ways to make it look better. Anyway, it's in the early stages, anything could happen.
First I want flowers, lots of them, so how to make them from scrap materials to keep to the idea of not spending any money on it. Using up what I already have. I have twelve flowers so far, I will leave it at this for now, I can always make more later if I haven't enough.

I thought I would do this mini tutorial in case you want to have a go and make some for yourself. They are very versatile and can be used to decorate lots of things. I have got short stalks on mine, but you could put long stalks on them, and make a fun flower arrangement in a vase.
You will need coloured drinks cans. Take the top and bottom off them with a pair of nail scissors. Stab the can close to the edge, and cut around the perimeter. You are left with a tube, cut it along the side close to the writing and bar code on the back, to save the most colourful parts for the flower. You can use all parts of it as I have done in the pic above, but put the coloured petals on top.
Then you need to draw your design on a piece of greaseproof or tracing paper. Make it thick and black. Flatten the can, you can roll it inside out so it isn't so curly but try not to crease it. I just hold it flat on the board while I transfer the petal design onto it with a pencil. Put some pressure on it while tracing round the petals so you can see a slight indentation when you come to cut the petals out. You will find the pencil lead easily comes off while you are working on it.
The other bits you will need are beads, and pieces of wire. You don't want the wire to be too thick because it has to go through the bead, and you don't want it to be too thin because your flower will be too floppy. I am using some plastic covered wire which I took out of a redundant video tape player. If you take old electricals apart, always look inside to see if there is anything which will be usefull for crafting work, before you take it to the dump.   
So, you want two sets of petals, I have made a leaf as well, one bead, and a piece of wire, (about six inches long). First thread the wire through the bead until it is dead centre. Bend the wire so the bead doesn't move. Put one of the petals on top of the other, flat on the board, and pierce two holes in the centre with the scissors, about the width of the bead. Make the holes the exact size for the wire you are using so it is a tight fit. Thread the petals onto the wire, and pull tight. If you add a leaf, make two holes in that and thread it on under the petals. I have given the wire a twist underneath to hold it in place, but I am going to pull my stalks all the way through the plastic car body panel and fasten them to the underside so they won't be seen.
Lastly, pinch the top petals with your thumb and first finger, pull and bend slightly upwards. Careful don't cut yourself the edges are sharp.
If you want longer stalks on them you can put the bead more towards one end of the wire, and twist the shorter piece around the longer stalk, just below the flower so it is hidden. You might need to experiment with different thicknesses of wire, to see which is best to support the flower. You could do as I have done and make both pieces of wire the same length and bind them together to make them more rigid.
Anyway, that's the basics, enjoy your playing around, and if you already have the bits and bobs, it won't cost you anything. Free entertainment. can't be bad.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Toodle pip.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

You Can't Park There, by Tony Bleetman. Book revue

I'm very glad I didn't attempt to catch a train this morning, because what with the bus service laid on to bypass the bent railway lines, I doubt whether I would have reached my destination at all. We woke up to a covering of snow again, and it sounds like most of the country is paralysed according to the traffic reports on the radio. Best place to stay is indoors. I'm also managing with very little heating, because they say the country is going to run out of gas pretty soon, so rather than being greedy, I'll leave it switched off so there is enough to go around. I am well wrapped up, with a hot water bottle stuffed down my trousers, and a wooly hat on my head, so do not worry.
I've just finished this book. It's an entertaining read, which made me laugh, but it's also very sad. If you can stand the blood and guts associated with traumatic life and death accidents, then you might like it. You need a strong stomach though, there is no holds barred when it comes to describing the opening up the chest of a stab victim, to try and plug the wound in the heart. It certainly was an eye opener for me. I didn't realise that so much could be done to bring a person back from the brink of death. Air ambulance doctors are of the highest calibre when it comes to saving lives.

Tony Bleetman is the doctor, he also pilots his own light aircraft, which he flies for pleasure. The book is full of stories of the callouts he has undertaken, all as a volunteer, as the Air Ambulance is a charity. His writing tells it like it is, it is down to earth, lots of swearing in a comical way which shows his human side, there is blood, mud, snot, and grot. He has operated on patients at the scene of an accident and and brought them back from death, but sometimes he loses them.
I'm going to include a little bit about the author here, taken from his literary agent's web site.
Tony Bleetman is a consultant in Emergency Medicine and an air ambulance doctor.
He grew up in London and went to live in Israel at the age of 17. After medical school he served in the Israeli Defence Forces as a soldier, a trainee helicopter pilot and finished his service as a military doctor in the anti-terrorist unit.
In 1991, having tired of Middle East politics, he returned to the UK and embarked on his career in Emergency Medicine. Throughout his career, he has been active as a volunteer doctor, responding for the ambulance service to offer advanced medical assistance at difficult scenes. He joined his first air ambulance unit in 2003 and went on to become the medical lead for three air ambulances in the West Midlands. He left this role in 2008 and continues to fly as a doctor with a new air ambulance unit in Bristol.
This book talks a lot about flying helicopters, all very interesting. The places they have to land, virtually anywhere where there is a flat surface free from overhead obstacles, the different emergencies that they attend, the reception they get when they arrive, sometimes hostile, and the fight to save lives using the drugs and equipment which they carry with them. I didn't know much about the work before I read this, but now I know it's not just a case of landing, strapping the patient into a cradle, and rushing them into hospital. The treatment they administer at the scene is literally a case of life or death. There is lots of, 'on the edge of your seat', drama.
I couldn't find a video with Tony in it, but this is pretty interesting. It has been made as an appeal. Air Ambulance relies entirely on donations, whether it be from giant corporations or private individuals.

If you find real life drama more fascinating than the made up stuff, you'll like this book. I recomend it.
Toodle pip.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bash the negativity.

Let's bash negativity, punch it's bloomin head in, stick two fingers up at it, and say up yours negativity. Let's go out into the world and fight the good fight. Don't lay down and just take it, but fight for what we want. My God, we are only here just the once, let's not put up with things if they aren't right. Let's embrace optimism and change things.

I love the film Funny Girls. Barbra Streisand was my role model in this film. This song had a massive influence on me when I was growing up. I love the punchy nature to it, I love the fight in it, I love the energy, the power, the taking control.

I've picked out a few more yootoob vids which I think have a powerful message. Make of them what you will, I certainly find them inspirational.
You're going to need your hanky for this one.

And this one.

We do have a wonderful world, it's a pity not everyone sees it that way. I wish I could fix the people who are broken, who in turn could fix the things that are broken. Lots of love xxx

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bimbling around Beverley

Right, I've banged a few pics out here from today's walk, I'll quickly add some words before I retire to bed. Another sunny start to the day, and another trip over the bridge this time to Beverley. I parked on the outskirts, and the path took me across this railway line. I dutifully rang the signal man to ask permission to cross. He said you've got one minute before a train comes. No probs says me, so I sprinted across.
I had a circular route in mind, and set off down a bridleway, and turned left around the edge of a field. After a few minutes I found the finger post pointing across the field. Erm, no, I don't think so, most of the field was under water. Resort to plan B, turn round and go back and find another way.
I thought I would give up with the fields, and found Beverley Beck, maybe this would be easier to follow. Nice footpath alongside it.
This used to be quite a busy port in the old days, the boats would come up the River Humber, then up the River Hull and turn left onto the Beck.
No signs of the old docks left, there are a lot of new build houses alongside the water now.
This is the junction of where the Beck meets the Hull. There's a little Marina, nothing special to see, looks like a lot of shabby old boats to me.
Boaters need to go through this lock to get onto the Hull.
So, I'm heading up the Hull now, along Swinemoor Bank. Oh dear, I think this one is beyond repair.
Here's another one that looks like it's ready for the knackers yard. Quite a few wrecks along this stretch.
I crossed over the river at Hull Bridge and went into Tickton. Not a lot to see there except a load of parents waiting for their kids to come out of school. Not sure why there was two people walking two donkeys down the middle of the road though. The next section was round the edges of several fields. There was water everywhere. The farmer has dug a trench to try and drain some of it away. It was so cold as well. Even with the sun out the wind was very sharp. My face was freezing.
I arrived at Carr House Farm and found a table and chairs set out in a sheltered spot. There was no one about so I rested my legs for a while.  
It wasn't long before I had company. This ginger puss took a liking to my leg.
The black one jumped up. Where's the food then, ha ha. He didn't want any peanut butter sandwich when I offered it. Sorry puss I only have a banana and some pineapple chunks, I know you won't like them.  
Bah humbug. I'm going to jump onto your knee and put my mucky paw prints all over your clean trousers.
Can I come up as well. No you can't look at the state of my trousers, they were clean when I set off.
I came to the outskirts of a place called Wawne, and turned right up the bank of the river. The river is on the left, and there is another flooded field on the right. I had to go a good way along here, as there aren't many places to cross. I went through a small place called Weel, and crossed just past there to go back into Beverley.
Here is a map if you fancy doing the walk. It is 12.75 miles. I think it would be a lot more enjoyable to do it in the summer, less water about, and less wind. I was flippin freezing today.
There is a Morrisons close to where I parked so I had a quick scout round for the reduced. There wasn't much to be had in the veg section, but I found a chappie putting the second yellow sticker on some items in the chiller cabinet. I got a few veggie meals for 39p each. That will keep me going for a while.
I'm off to bed now. Sorry if there are any mistakes, can't be bothered to proof read. Toodle pip.