Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here is the News at 9.21pm

Good evening. I've just had a gut busting bowl of home made curried, garlicky spicy stew. Boy was it tasty, it's amazing what you can make out of a few odds and ends. I haven't been shopping because I am running my food down in readiness for next weeks sprint across the country. Or that was the plan, until this morning, when I made the decision to postpone the trip after studying the weather forecast. We've had another rotten day here today, there is just no sense to it. They say that this miserable weather is going to continue all next week, and I don't want to be trudging mile after mile peering through rain spots on my specs. So folks, the big walk is off till next month.

In the meantime I will just have to see what the weather brings on a daily basis, and if it gets off to a good start, grab the opportunity to do a day walk. I shall also have a look at some bus timetables, I might even have a day out bus hopping. At least I will be dry and warm, and if I find some double deckers to ride on I will have a good view from the top deck. Maybe take a picnic.

I've recently had a comment from someone at Oxford Bus Museum. You may not have seen it because I wrote the post about my visit there last August.
Just seen your blog and pleased you enjoyed your visit. Lots of new events and exhibits arriving this year as 2013 is the Centenary for Oxford Motorbuses and for Morris Car manufacture, so please come again. Oxford Bus & Morris Motors Museums.

I've just picked this from their web site, something you might like to see if you fancy a day out in Oxfordshire.
Friday 29 March As one of the events to celebrate the centenary of the establishment of Morris Motors at Cowley, a cavalcade of vintage cars will travel from the Longwall restaurant to the Museum, arriving from shortly after mid-day.
There are free vintage bus rides on the first and third Sunday of each month starting on April 7th.
If you want more information here is their web site. I am happy to pass this on, as it's a smashing museum, all run by volunteers. The kids will love it. Well this big kid did anyway, ha ha.

Here is a recent comment, I am chuffed to little mint balls.

Frugal in Bucks20 March 2013 11:48
I wanted to thank you so much for something you don't know you have done. I have been a 20 a day smoker for 25 years now. It was the worst thing I ever did! I have tried giving up but only lasting days, sometimes just hours. Recently, you posted about smoking and added some you tubes including one on Alan Carr. I read and re read your post, I watched the videos and I am totally thrilled that I have now been a non smoker for 15 days. If you hadn't posted that, I would still be killing myself at a cost of £50 a week.
So from me and my lungs to you illona

Wow, great news eh! I am so pleased that my smoking post touched a chord somewhere. Even if one person gives up the horrible weed, it was worth posting it. Frugal in Bucks, I am proud of you, well done. You are now a NON SMOKER. The Alan Carr video is very thought provoking, and he talks such good sense. £50 a week eh! £2,600 a year. You can have a fantastic holiday for that. You could put it towards a new car. In two years you could buy a nice car for £5,200, and live long enough to enjoy it. Has anyone else been inspired to take up the challenge of giving up the fags?

Last week our rescue rehomed two more cats. Luck seems to be with us regarding finding new homes. Some nice people are coming forward, and they are delighted with their new additions to the familly. If we don't have room to take in more cats, we are able to put them on our web page, while the cat needing rehoming is able to stay in it's own home until someone suitable comes along. It is working quite well, and stops people turning their cat out on the streets to fend for itself.

That's all for now. Toodle pip.

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