Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Carol

Happy Birthday Carol

It's Carol's birthday today, she is 64. Carol is my very bestest friend, we have know each other since we were in junior school together. This picture is from her 60th birthday party, I can't believe that four years have flown by so quickly. A reminder that we must all make the most of our lives.

We have each gone our seperate ways over the years, taking completely different career paths. When we were little girls people thought we were sisters because of some similarities, both skinny, both blonde, and both wore specs. Carol lived in the next street to me, but we were constantly in each others houses. There was a big green area which we used to play on, it was very quiet then, not many people had cars. Summer days were spent going bike rides around the lanes, and paddling in the river. Her mum and my mum were friends, she is the eldest of three and so am I.

Carol on the left, with my penfriend Janet who came for a holiday in August 1964.

We went a bike ride. Far left, my sister Anna, she was not happy as mum said we had to take her with us. Next Janet, don't know who the middle girl is, then Carol and me. This photo was taken outside our school, The Forest of Needwood Secondary Modern School. Neither of us managed to pass the 11 plus for the Grammar or High School. It was August 1964, the year we walked out of the gates for the last time. I was elated, now I could go out into the world and find a job. Carol continued her education with a year at college, she went on to do secretarial and book keeping work. She has made a good career for herself as an accountant, and unlike me, a lady of leisure, she is still working part time because she enjoys it.
Last year Carol made a suggestion. It will be 50 years next year when we left school. What about organising a reunion for 2014. I thought it would be too big a task, people will now be scattered all over the world. Lately I have been mulling it over in my mind. With modern technology and all the social networking sites, a lot of the work could be done on the computer. I think we should have a go at it. Wouldn't it be marvelous to catch up with school mates fifty years on. I have lots of ideas to search for people, and we have over a year to organise it. I think it should be doable, and quite exciting.

This is a pic of Carol taken a couple of months ago. She was at a family wedding in Hawaii. Sorry it's a bit blurry, I cropped it from a larger one. I am so pleased that she is on a mission to look after her health. She has changed her diet, cut the crap, and now eats lots of healthy food. Carol, I'm proud of you, you're a star.

Happy Birthday me old mate. I shall be joining you in a few weeks time, ha ha. Sixty four eh, yikes, it's scary. Toodle pip.

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