Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A walk from Skidby

Well would you Adam and Eve it, rhyming slang, ha ha. Yesterday the weather was awful, today it was fabulous, best not to waste it so I went for a walk. A drive back over the bridge again, this time my starting point was Skidby, not far from Beverley. If you remember, I was going to visit this village on my way back from  Morecambe to the Humber Bridge, but I chose the shorter route and carried straight on rather than make the diversion. I said I would visit another time, so today was the day.
I was passing the Village Hall in the main street and stopped to chat to two ladies, one of whom had a dog. Well I couldn't walk past without saying hello. I was just about to carry on when I thought I might as well have a cup of coffee and chat a bit longer with Liz, the very nice lady who is in charge. She is standing in this week for Mary who has gone on holiday. Liz is also the Clerk for the Parish Council, and the volunteer litter picker in Skidby, so we had a lot to chat about. The front part of the Village Hall is a drop in centre, it's very cosy.
There are loads of books to sit and read. I didn't ask if they are available to borrow, but I think they might be. It's the sort of place where the community spirit is alive and well.
The notice board with details of what's going on.
Home made produce for sale and local free range eggs.
Liz said I should take a look inside the church, it is cute. Luckily the door was unlocked.
She is right, it was cute, and simple, and clean and tidy. Obviously well loved by the parishioners.
The organ in the corner. The pews looked almost new, and they had been polished to a lovely shine. 
Skidby is famous for it's windmill, so I had to have a look. There is a courtyard, and a restaurant, and a museum. As I had spent so long chatting to Liz, I wanted to get on with the walk, so I didn't go in.
The path went round the back of the windmill.
It's very muddy underfoot. This must be a popular path as lots of pairs of boots have been this way before. 
I came across a small cemetery with a bench. Time for a sandwich and a boiled egg.
Ten minutes later I came across another walker sitting on a bench having his lunch. He looked a happy soul so I stopped to chat. I seem to be doing more talking than walking today, don't think I will be doing my usual fourteen miles. I took the path past Risby Park, and arrived in Walkington, very appropriate eh! I walked to Walkington :o) The church is on the edge of the village.
Another door is unlocked, so a quick peek inside. I love to see lots of red in a stained glass window.
I sat on a bench outside the church. There is heavy breathing down the back of my neck, ha ha. Cheeky blighter wants some of my lunch. The notice on the fence says don't feed the sheep, (there are two of them), as they are entire male and get a bit naughty. Oooh errr, I think I'd better move!
Time for a little treat, there is a general store in Walkington so I went in to see what I fancied. Oooh look, out of date reduced in a trolley at the back of the shop. For 50p I got a packet of sponge cakes, and some chocolate Christmas tree decorations. Just the sort of treat I like, cheap treat, ha ha.
I liked the paintings on the walls at this place. They do accommodation and serve food. The gardens at the front were very neat and tidy.

Also a beauty salon and conference facilities.
This is the duck pond in Walkington. Not many ducks in residence, but a nice little waterfall.
Out of Walkington, I headed off towards Beverley. Down lots more boggy paths, and along the edges of some very muddy fields. There is a lot of surface water lying around. I reached the outskirts of Beverley, know as Westwood. There is a vast grassy area which they use as a training course for race hourses. I sort of went a bit wrong on there, and I came out on a road which was not where I wanted to be. Never mind, time was getting on and maybe my first plan was pushing it a bit, so I cut the route short and headed back towards Walkington. Just over the A1079 I took a left turn along a bridleway, another load of mud to paddle through. My new boots look like they are ten years old now. Instead of walking through the mud here, I walked alongside it in the woods.
According to the map I should be walking around the edge of a wood here, but it looks as though most of it has been chopped down. They are planting a lot of new trees to replace the old.
I got back into Skidby at 5.30pm, just about right really. Finish my sandwich and my second boiled egg before I drive home. Only 11 miles walked today, but I've had a smashing time, met some nice people, and the weather has been lovely. Even got to take my jacket off I was so warm.
Toodle pip.

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