Friday, March 1, 2013

Don't let it kill you

I heard a snippet of news on the car radio yesterday afternoon, they were talking about smoking in cars being a kind of child abuse. Anna Soubrey, junior minister for public health, is calling for smoking to be banned in cars where children are present. 
I remember travelling in my aunts car when I was young, she was a smoker, as was most of the family. My mum and dad both smoked, my brother and sister, both took the habit up. My grandma smoked, in fact I think most people that I came into contact with smoked. For some reason, I was born a non smoker, thank goodness, but it's amazing that I haven't died of lung cancer by now, being exposed to all that passive smoking. 
My dad died at the age of 46, dropped dead in a shop. Thirty a day full strength Capstans, and  ten pints of beer a night helped him along. My mum died far too early at 64, herself a smoker for may years, and overweight. My sister has given up thank goodness, but the beer and fags got my brother. He died eighteen months ago of stomach cancer.
I used to go into people's houses where the air was thick with tobacco smoke, and I hated it. Relatives came to our house and lit up while mum made a pot of tea, they all sat around filling theirs and my lungs with copious amounts of cough inducing smoke. Gasping for breath, I had to escape outdoors. Then I started going to the 76 Club in the High Street, a long narrow cave with a low ceiling, a bit like the famous Cavern Club. Couldn't see anything in the dimly lit room, and being poisoned as well. I used to come home reeking of stale tobacco, and hurriedly removed my clothes minutes after I had returned home. The next morning the vile smell still lingered in my hair.
I even dated boys who smoked, I must have been mad. I tried to feel sexy when they kissed me, but all the time I was feeling sick. It really was like kissing an old smelly ash tray. Not that I ever have. Then, I can't believe I am saying this, when I was 21 I lived with a smoker for a short period of time. The things you do for love, eh! I must have been bonkers. Turning my face away from his to get away from the fag breath, and just occasionally pretending it didn't matter, and hoped he wouldn't take long with his love making. That relationship was doomed from the start. And smoking used to be advertised as being sexy! Not in my book it isn't.
Thank goodness smoking has been banned in public places now. They have all moved outside, huddled round the door, shivering and stomping their feet to keep warm. As you can guess, I am very much anti smoking. This in not a rant, a witch hunt against smokers, people make their own decisions about their lives. Apart from all the anti social implications of the dreaded weed, I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to jeopardise their health by inhaling tobacco smoke. It just seems a no brainer to me. Maybe that's because I've never even tried it. I know someone who had a health scare last year, he was lucky and survived. He was told to give up smoking. He did for a while, a very short while. He is back smoking again. Why oh why do people have so little regard for their body that they are willing to compromise their health, and opt to take the risk of dying earlier than they need. I will never understand.
Yes, I think smoking should be banned anywhere near children, in cars, even in private homes. It's not fair to poison children in this way. They aren't all as lucky as me to be born a non smoker, many will follow their parents example. I've found a bit of info for you, if you are interested.
Take a look at this lady, she made me cry. 

Now read this.

I am reading a lot of good things about Allen Carr.

If you smoke, please try very hard to give up.
Toodle pip.

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