Thursday, March 21, 2013

Bimbling around Beverley

Right, I've banged a few pics out here from today's walk, I'll quickly add some words before I retire to bed. Another sunny start to the day, and another trip over the bridge this time to Beverley. I parked on the outskirts, and the path took me across this railway line. I dutifully rang the signal man to ask permission to cross. He said you've got one minute before a train comes. No probs says me, so I sprinted across.
I had a circular route in mind, and set off down a bridleway, and turned left around the edge of a field. After a few minutes I found the finger post pointing across the field. Erm, no, I don't think so, most of the field was under water. Resort to plan B, turn round and go back and find another way.
I thought I would give up with the fields, and found Beverley Beck, maybe this would be easier to follow. Nice footpath alongside it.
This used to be quite a busy port in the old days, the boats would come up the River Humber, then up the River Hull and turn left onto the Beck.
No signs of the old docks left, there are a lot of new build houses alongside the water now.
This is the junction of where the Beck meets the Hull. There's a little Marina, nothing special to see, looks like a lot of shabby old boats to me.
Boaters need to go through this lock to get onto the Hull.
So, I'm heading up the Hull now, along Swinemoor Bank. Oh dear, I think this one is beyond repair.
Here's another one that looks like it's ready for the knackers yard. Quite a few wrecks along this stretch.
I crossed over the river at Hull Bridge and went into Tickton. Not a lot to see there except a load of parents waiting for their kids to come out of school. Not sure why there was two people walking two donkeys down the middle of the road though. The next section was round the edges of several fields. There was water everywhere. The farmer has dug a trench to try and drain some of it away. It was so cold as well. Even with the sun out the wind was very sharp. My face was freezing.
I arrived at Carr House Farm and found a table and chairs set out in a sheltered spot. There was no one about so I rested my legs for a while.  
It wasn't long before I had company. This ginger puss took a liking to my leg.
The black one jumped up. Where's the food then, ha ha. He didn't want any peanut butter sandwich when I offered it. Sorry puss I only have a banana and some pineapple chunks, I know you won't like them.  
Bah humbug. I'm going to jump onto your knee and put my mucky paw prints all over your clean trousers.
Can I come up as well. No you can't look at the state of my trousers, they were clean when I set off.
I came to the outskirts of a place called Wawne, and turned right up the bank of the river. The river is on the left, and there is another flooded field on the right. I had to go a good way along here, as there aren't many places to cross. I went through a small place called Weel, and crossed just past there to go back into Beverley.
Here is a map if you fancy doing the walk. It is 12.75 miles. I think it would be a lot more enjoyable to do it in the summer, less water about, and less wind. I was flippin freezing today.
There is a Morrisons close to where I parked so I had a quick scout round for the reduced. There wasn't much to be had in the veg section, but I found a chappie putting the second yellow sticker on some items in the chiller cabinet. I got a few veggie meals for 39p each. That will keep me going for a while.
I'm off to bed now. Sorry if there are any mistakes, can't be bothered to proof read. Toodle pip.

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