Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's about priorities, simple really

It had to be done. After squelching my way around Weardale this week, in soggy boots and soggy socks, it was time I invested in some new footwear. My old boots looked like these new ones when I first had them, they have served me well, so I wanted a similar pair.
The nice people at the Trespass shop showed great patience as I tried on several pairs before I made my final choice. As I sit here writing this I have the new boots on. I have 14 days to wear them around the house, and if I don't like them I can take them back. They feel quite good actually, I'll let you know how I'm getting on with them in a weeks time. I need to get used to them in readiness for the big walk. The cost? Not too bad, £60, supposedly half the recomended retail price.

I had a letter from Santander today, after paying off a chunk of my mortgage recently. Technically I am mortgage free now, as my emergency fund in the bank exceeds the balance I still owe on the house. I could write a cheque for the remainder and say bye bye mortgage, but it would leave me skint. I am going to leave it as it is at the moment, my piddly monthly payments are easily manageable. I need to keep a bit of cash. My pussies might need veterinary treatment, council tax is about to start again after the two month break, my RAC renewal is due next month, my computer might break, I need to put money aside for a new car in a couple of years time, and I need some cash for holidays and days out, while I am still fit and able.

Although my finances are looking quite healthy now, I shall still be exercising the same amout of self restraint when it comes to my day to day living expenses. No need to go bananas just because I have got money in my purse. It is all earmarked for something, none of it is spare cash. Tonights dinner was steamed potatoes, carrots, and parsnips, topped with half a tin of baked beans with garlic puree stirred in. About 30p I reckon.

It's all about priorities, each and everyone of us has a choice. I choose not to eat out, go to the pub every week, walk about with a cardboard mug of coffee in my hand, buy newspapers and magazines, have takeaways, sit outside the coffee shop in town, buy new clothes when I don't need them, visit the hairdresser, and buy new makeup. No Sireeeee, I don't need all that stuff.

What makes me happy is a new pair of walking boots, a car which will transport me on trips out, and a bit of cash to pay for some nights in a B & B. This will enable me to go out into the countryside to enjoy all the best things in life. Simple really.
Toodle pip.

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