Sunday, January 12, 2014

Been busy all day

Heidi is a right little madam, as soon as I put something down she lies on it. I needed to cut more strips, and as soon as my back was turned she decided to make herself comfortable on the new rug. Oh well, I haven't the heart to move her. She can stay on it all night if she likes, but I want it back in the morning to take to craft club. It can't be that comfortable, the netting is quite stiff and course. There is plenty of room on the sofa next to her, but no, she wants to lie on here.  
It's been a busy day round the house today. It was sunny with a breeze so a good idea to do a load of washing. Most of it dried, a few items are on the clothes horse. It's not really a horse, it's one of those concertina type things. I had the heating on for an hour this afternoon because I had a bath, so some of the washing went on the radiators. Yes, I treated myself to some heat, ha ha. Today is changeover time from British Gas to Ebico, I sent in the meter readings, and expect one last small bill from BG. They sent me a letter saying they are sorry I am leaving, and I will be welcome back anytime.

It was flippin freezing outside today. I took Lady dog a walk, or should I say she took me a walk. It's probably just as well it was a fast walk, too darn cold to bimble, need to keep moving to keep warm.

Tonight I have made a three day curried stew, it might go to four days if I stretch it out. I have two big spuds that I can zap in the microwave, that will make two meals. One day I can have it with rice, then I will add a tin of tomatoes to it to stretch it further, and make some pasta to go with it. I used the last of the sprouts and the mangetout peas. Also used the last bit of cauliflower, the last carrot, two onions, a handful of sultanas, and an apple, and a tin of chickpeas. When this is all eaten I will have to go shopping, probably Wednesday or Thursday. Sorry there is no photo, they weren't very clear so I dumped them.

I had my Anglian Water bill yesterday. It was very low, but the standing charge was more than the cost of the water I have used. There is nothing I can do about that, except keep my water usage down. The bathwater is still in the bath, it will be used to flush the toilet, and I might even wash the car with it tomorrow if I feel so inclined. It can be used for other household cleaning jobs like washing the kitchen floor and wiping the doors down. I have noticed that the upstairs windows are a bit mucky on the outside, I will wash them as well, I can reach them from the inside if I hang on with one hand and use a long handled brush. No point in paying for a window cleaner. Not a drop is wasted here.

Just thought I would mention that I am doing a frugal diary on Down The Lane forum. Anyone can read it, there are others also writing their diaries. If you want to take a look, it's here.  Go to the first section, Frugal, Thrifty, and Green, and click on Members Frugal Diaries 2014.

Right, I'm off to parcel Sue's prize up ready for the post tomorrow, then I need to cut more strips. Thanks for dropping by. See you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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