Friday, January 17, 2014

Buying what is cheap, and choosing carefully

Last night was shopping night, my fridge was bare, now it is full. I checked my money off vouchers before I went, and found there was a possibility that I might use some of them. Tesco look at your spending habits and send the vouchers they think you are most likely to use. They don't know that I am not in the habit of buying a whole melon, organic milk, double thick cream, pre packed leeks, grated cheese, or extra strong mints, except if they are reduced, or are a once a year purchase. If they think I am going to pay full price for these items just to use a voucher, they have another think coming. However, I was able to use £2.50 worth of vouchers against things I do normally buy. There was one exception though. I don't normally buy small apple pies from the bakery, but at a price of 10p for two it would be silly not to get them, and with a voucher for 25p off, it seems they have paid me 15p for taking them away, ha ha.

My normal choice of vegetables were not reduced, so I had to have what was available. Bags of prepared sprouts, leeks, broccoli, and green cabbage for 13p a bag. At that price they had to be bought. Roasting vegetables for 18p, and mixed salad leaves for 14p. I am not a fan of green cabbage, it's too darn tough, but I have made a big pan of tasty stew out of it, and smashed it to bits in the food processor, so now it's soup, and won't take so much chewing. Enough for tomorrow at a cost of 31p, and still more prepared veg in the fridge to make some more.

There was a lot of reduced  bread to be had, so I have stocked the freezer up again, now it's bursting. I bought two packs of mini doughnuts at 10p each, one for me, and one for the two postmen who come to my village. I often buy a bit extra at that price to give some away. I did pay normal price for a few things, but I choose carefully. Because I don't eat meat, I don't mind adding nuts to my diet, they are not cheap, but I buy what I can afford.

All in all a good shop, £20.27  paid after the vouchers were deducted. Included was a tin of tuna fish and some reduced turkey slices, a treat for the cats. This shop will last me two weeks hopefully.

I went over to the next village today for a dog walk with my friend. She had made some lovely roasted butternut squash soup for us, a welcome treat after battling the cold wind.

I've just thought of something I missed on yesterdays post about the rag rug. If you are going to make one, start in the middle of your backing, and work your way out towards the edge. If you are not sure how big you want your rug, you don't need to measure the backing first, just get a piece an approximate size, and stop when you have done enough. When you get to the edge fold under a border of about two inches, and peg through the two layers, that will make the edge stronger.

That's all for tonight. Have a nice weekend. See you tomorrow.
Toodle pip.

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