Saturday, January 18, 2014

Are you walking tall?

Have you noticed how a lot of people walk around with slouched shoulders, stooping forward, like they just want to get from A to B in the shortest time, and without any hassle from others who might interrupt their concentration, locked in their own little world. The cold weather might have something to do with it, as this time of the year is when you are weighed down with lots of layers, and yards of scarf wrapped around your neck. It's hardly surprising that you don't want to take the force of the wind and rain full in the face, so the natural instinct is to get your head down and march on.

I have to admit I am often guilty of this myself. If I am in a hurry I get my head down and lean forward, in the hope that I might arrive at my destination a few minutes earlier and save a bit of time. Of course that is nonsense, my strides are still the same length no matter how upright or bent my body is. I caught sight of my side profile in a shop window recently, my posture was terrible, I looked ten years older than I actually am. My shoulders were rounded, and my head was sticking forward, I looked a mess. I immediately stood upright, pulled my shoulders back, and lifted my head up. I looked and felt 100% better, now why can't I hold my posture like that all the time.

Now, I am trying to remember to walk properly, and to help me do this I am singing this song to myself in my head.

I've also found a couple of useful videos.

I'm determined I am going to do something about this. I don't want to end up with all kinds of back, neck, and shoulder pain in my old age. I need to correct my posture now. Has anyone else got this problem?
Tell me your stories. See you tomorrow.
Toodle pip.

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