Saturday, January 25, 2014

Not something I need.

Do you ever get those small catalogues through the door? Do you look through them, or do you bin them without a second glance? They are not like the big catalogues where you order loads of overpriced stuff, then get into difficulties with the monthly payments when you fall on hard times. These smaller ones are usually pocket size with about 50 pages, full of gadgets and stuff you have happily lived without for all of your life. I've got one here, it wasn't delivered to my house, but to my friends, I happened to pick it up and have a nosey through it. 
Browsing through a catalogue is like browsing round a shop, they are full of things you would never dream of buying, but if you do it from the comfort of your own armchair, in your own living room, you might be tempted to splash out on something. Oh go on, why not, like the shopping channels, just ring a number and place your order, it's so easy. The thing is, if you hadn't picked up the catalogue in the first place, you would never have known you needed what you think you need, until you saw it on the page. In fact, needed is the wrong word, there is nothing in this catalogue that I actually need. 
Do you actually need a little printer machine to obliterate your name and address from your mail before you bin it? What did we do before this little gadget was invented? We got a pair of scissors and cut it out of course, or even tore it out if we didn't have any scissors to hand. The rest of the letter can go for recycling. So, for £10 you get the stamp, and blow me down, you then pay £6 for the ink refill pads forever after. I'll stick with the scissors thank you very much. 
The mind boggles at this one. A discreet hair removal gadget you glide over your skin and it whisks away unwanted feminine hair. Ok, some might want to tidy up their bikini line, but read the blurb. Why would you want to stow it discreetly in your handbag for goodness sake? So that when you pop into the ladies in the pub and look down, you think golly gosh, and whip your little gadget out! I don't think so!  
Well we've all got to get one of these haven't we? What do we do when our wing mirrors are misted up? We get a chuffin cloth and wipe them. Oh for goodness sake. Throw away £6 if you like, but I won't be getting one.

I can't quite believe what I am seeing here. Strap a bit of foam to your leg when you are in bed. It will cost you £12 to buy it. What! I'll tell you what I do, it works just as well and it's free. I mainly sleep on my back, with a normal pillow half way down my bed, under my knees. When I turn onto my side, I move the pillow to between my knees, just like this. No need to buy anything.

Now this is a good idea. I have two of these back support thingy's, but they didn't cost £10. I got exactly the same thing from the £1 shop. One lives in my car, and the other is on my office chair. I have no backache at all. 
The catalogue is in the bin.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip

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