Friday, January 31, 2014

I'll get on with the decluttering....maybe tomorrow

This morning I made up my mind that today was the day I am going to sort out, declutter, and tidy the spare room. This room in the past has been the stockroom for my business, hence the metal shelving. Now it is mostly crafty stuff which has taken over. Oh dear, what a mess, it badly needs seeing to. 
After breakfast I spent an hour or so on the rag rug, I am wanting to get that finished, but I think I will need some more teeshirts. I will make enquiries about when the car boot sales start again.

The weather wasn't too bad this morning, a bit chilly but dry, so I decided to go for a walk in the park at 12 o clock. I'll start the decluttering later.

When I got back it was lunch time. I opened a tin of mixed bean salad, and put half of it in a dish with a portion of carrot soup that I had made and frozen. Zapped it in the microwave and ate it with a couple of slices of granary bread. Just the thing to warm me up.

At about 2pm I thought I'd better make a start on the room. I'm not sure I want to do this :o(
 Oh gawd, boxes of stuff everywhere. I made a start.

Then at 4.30pm my tummy was rumbling, better get the dinner on. I haven't got much left in the way of fresh food, but I have enough to make a three day stew. It's supposed to be a Rustic Ratatouille, that's what it says on the packet, even though mine looks nothing like the picture, ha ha. Worth a try with an out of date packet from the cash and carry for 20p. Anyway, my version of it is butternut squash, four small potatoes, one onion, the other half tin of mixed bean salad, and three handfulls of pasta. It tasted so nice I had to go back for second helpings. This should take me through till Sunday, I'll go shopping early next week. I have four eggs left and stuff in the freezer I can eat. Sorry about the blurry picture, I am no good at taking closeups with a flash.

I had a lovely surprise in the post today, the postman doesn't normally knock on my door. A lovely blogger friend sent me a parcel. I have some pretty red fabric, golden ribbon, a stretchy key chain, a fridge magnet, packets of seeds, green cobwebby fabric, and something to soothe tired feet. Thank you very much Sue G, I am chuffed.

It's blowing a hooley outside, looks like it is going to be a miserable weekend weather wise. Best get on with the decluttering then. I'll get onto it tomorrow. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Toodle pip.

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