Thursday, July 31, 2014

A sneaky look :o)

Hello. I thought I would take a day off yesterday, to give you chance to catch up, ha ha. No, that's an excuse. I am busy with the picture, and when I have my creative head on I have to stick with it. I need time to unscramble the ideas I have, to look at the picture as it is emerging, to rearrange the pieces I have decided to put on it, and try new ideas as they come into my head. Then step back and wait. Walk away from it. Go back to it. Study it, what colours does it need? What is missing? Is it too cluttered? Lots to think about.
A couple of pictures? Oh go on then. I have cut this shape from a piece of upholstery fabric, now I am embellishing it. I sealed the edges by applying PVA glue with a paintbrush, this stops it from fraying. 
This piece is still not finished, more to add to it. The darker beads are aquamarine colour, not come out very well in the photo. 
Oooops, sorry, you didn't want to see them, did you. Never mind, just pretend you didn't look. Please excuse me while I get on. Stomach is rumbling, need to eat, then back to the stitching. Will take a day off from this tomorrow, other things to do. So for now, Toodle pip.

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