Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Drinka pinta milka day

I was reading an article this morning about how large numbers of people are switching from cows milk to non dairy milk alternatives. Apparently one in five households choose to buy plant based products such as soya, rice, oat, almond, or coconut milk, as a lifestyle choice or for medical reasons. Here is the full article.
I buy soya milk for my cereals, I quite like the taste of it. I mentioned that Tesco have put theirs up from 59p to 75p and now I don't buy it, but Aldi has something similar, for 59p so that will do. 
I quite like the idea of  almond milk but it is so expensive, so what about a cheaper alternative. I goooglied how to make milk from oats, and had a go at making some. It is so simple.
I soaked eight dessertspoons of oats in a jug of water for seven hours. You don't need to leave it that long, three or four hours will do, or you can soak it overnight. It will separate but that doesn't matter.   
Then I transferred it to the blender jug, and zapped it for a couple of minutes. I did a taste test, not too bad, tasted of cold porridge as you would expect. I had six strawberries left so I added those and zapped again. Hmmm, yes, acceptable, would have been better with more strawberries. I then added a teaspoon of honey and zapped again. It can be strained through a muslin cloth, but I didn't bother, the blender has broken it all up.

Yes, much better, like a smoothie. I've put it in the fridge and will pour it on my bran flakes in the morning. I think I could get a taste for this. Porridge oats are 75p for a big 1kg bag, so lots of 'milk' could be made with that, at a very cheap price. And it's got to be good for you, with no additives. The only concerns I have is that a carton of soya milk has added calcium, and vitamins B2, D, and B12, so I would have to look elsewhere for those.

I think there could be scope here for lots of different flavours, maybe Jane will come along and suggest what else could be added to make it tasty. Or if anyone else has some ideas. They've got to be affordable though. No point in bumping up the cost when the idea is to make a healthy alternative at a cheaper price.

And what did I have for my dinner tonight? Here it is, before steaming. From the garden, potatoes, courgettes, runner beans, broad beans, and a couple of carrots from a bag of Value. 
On the top I grated some cheese. I bought this one from the Cash and Carry. Good price I thought for £1, and it isn't out of date till the end of next month. It is ever so tasty. That's all you need for a meal.

I've been sewing most of the day, the picture is coming along nicely. Sorry I can't show you another progress photo, someone said I am such a tease. Maybe it's not fair of me to drag it out over a long period of time, posting little snippets, maybe it's better I wait until it's finished and post the whole thing. It's looking really good though, ha ha.

I see a new follower has snuck in, welcome to Tightwad Towers, or the Mad House if you like. I hope you enjoy yourself here.
That's all for now. Toodle pip.

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