Monday, July 14, 2014

Switch it off !!!

Hello, I was wondering what to write about tonight, when KittyKittyWeaselFish came up with the idea. She asked the question :-

Hi Ilona, 
I'm massively impressed by your electricity bill - I try to be frugal but mine's not even close to that! Any tips you can share?

Of course Kitty, only too pleased to help. First of all, there is only me here so I don't have to nag anyone to switch things off when they are not using them. The first thing that comes to mind when I switch something on is, this is going to cost me money. Do I need it, and can I manage without it. I am obsessive about checking wall sockets and light switches, is there anything on which is not needed. I think the easiest way to explain is to go through the house room by room.

I am sitting in the living room. The computer is switched on, obviously. I usually have it on most of the day because I keep going back to it in between other tasks. I have it in front of the window to make use of the daylight hours for as long as possible. It is a small net book so I imagine it takes less energy than the big computer upstairs, which I now only use briefly at odd times. It's 8.15pm, still light but it is fading. For the lighting in this room I have one of those bridge shaped Christmas lights, you know, the up and over one with seven candles on it. I will put this on when it starts to get dark. I also have a desk light next to me which I use when I can't see the keyboard or I am doing some sewing. I don't use the main ceiling lights in this room. I have a music centre / radio, but I don't put it on very often, I like quiet. I can use the cross trainer without switching it on.

The kitchen has a strip light in the ceiling, it doesn't work. Not sure why, haven't checked it. Instead I use a small plug in table lamp. That gives me enough light. My gas cooker has an electric clock on it. I don't need a clock in the kitchen so I don't plug it in. I have an old microwave that is still going strong after many years. I use that to heat a mug of water for my coffee in the morning, and to warm up the home made stew I have made. I charge my phone and camera batteries in the kitchen. I have a slow cooker which I rarely use. The fridge freezer is smallish, three drawers for the frozen food. I sometimes use the toaster. If I need a bowl full of hot water I use the kettle to heat it.

My bedroom. I don't use the main ceiling light, I have a small bedside lamp. Only on for ten minutes when I go to bed. Usually fall asleep before I have read a couple of paragraphs. I got rid of the clock radio alarm years ago, now I have an old fashioned wind up clock. Why do you need a plug in clock in the bedroom when for most of the time you are in there, you are asleep.

Appliances. I wash my clothes when they are dirty or smelly. Towels, tea towels, and bedding gets washed when needed. Only me here, and I don't do a dirty job or work up a sweat. I use the Dyson maybe twice a month, clean all carpets right through. They pretty soon get covered in cat hairs again, I just keep on top of it, not obsessive about housework. In the summer I have an electric lawn mower, and occasionally strim the edges. I have a small hair drier but very rarely use it, I let my hair dry naturally. I sometimes use a stick blender or the food processor. Sometimes I use the sewing machine. I never iron clothes, I don't buy clothes that need ironing. The only time I use the iron is if I am sewing and need a piece of pressed flat fabric.

I don't leave anything plugged in on standby apart from the fridge and the computer. I switch the computer off overnight. I only have the light on in the room I am in. I am always switching lights on and off. In the winter when it gets dark early I carry a wind up torch with me and use that if I need to get something out of another room.

I don't have a dishwasher, or a dryer, or a television set, I don't need them. I hope I have covered everything. There is probably something I have missed out, if you have any questions please ask. It is now ten past nine and starting to get dark. I will put the candle Christmas light on.

I don't need lots of gadgets, the less I have that needs an electricity supply, the better. I deliberately don't buy gadgets because of the cost of running them. Always think, plug in, switch on, and it's costing you money. I think it would be difficult with teenagers in the house, because they love their gadgets, but that's another story. I can only tell it from a singlies point of view. Thank you Kitty for asking.

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