Monday, July 7, 2014

The Trolley Dolly strikes again

Dear Diary, Sorry I wasn't around yesterday but it was a boring old day cleaning the house, so there wasn't much to write about. All is now pristine, ha ha, no I lie, it is better than it was before I started. Don't want my cat sitter to think I am a slob, well I am sometimes but I do scrub up quite well  :o] 
What's the recipe today? I did some brown rice with peas and sweetcorn for lunch yesterday, and made enough for lunch today and the meal tonight. 
This morning was craft club, not quite so many people came today. We had some good news, the kitty is looking rather healthy and the chairwoman has managed to negotiate a cheaper deal for the insurance, so now we only have to pay £1 instead of £1.50. I took my bag of fabrics that I got from the Scrapstore to show examples of what is available, and said I would keep the membership card and if anyone else wanted to go in the next year I would be happy to use my car and take them.

I went to town this afternoon and filled my trolley and two bags. I did the shopping around of the stores to get the best prices on cat food and some things I had run out of. I also picked up some food to take with me so I can make packups each day. I will get a breakfast every morning which will keep me going till mid afternoon, then I will have sandwiches for teatime. I won't need an evening meal if I am getting a big breakfast, there just isn't room in my stomach for so much food.

Chick peas are 29p in Home Bargains, I stocked up. Tuna fish for Bugsy is 49p. Chicken pieces for Mayze is 99p. I popped in Aldi as I was passing, for a loaf of bread and a few other bits. I noticed that they have soya milk for 59p, the same price as Tesco's before it shot up to 75p. Worth a try I thought, I'll report back on that one when I open it.
Look what I found in the car park, Mayze is inspecting it closely. A battered and broken umbrella dumped next to the ticket machine. Parking is free for 2 hours by the way, you didn't think I put money in it did you! It was the colour which made me put it in the car and bring it home. A very pretty lilac. I will strip it away from the frame, and find a use for it.

So what's the recipe tonight then? Salad leaves (last of the yellow stickers), cucumber (free from a friend), pickled onions and beetroot (Tesco Value), the last of the rice, a piece of cheese and onion quiche (£1.19 from Aldi, the rest I will take with me).
Right, that just about wraps it up from here, I've got to pack a bag. Catch you on the flip. Toodle pip.

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