Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Visiting Driffield

Hello, I've been out today, my friend Helen had a bit of business to see to in Driffield, and she asked me if I wanted to come for the run out. A free day out, how nice, an offer I couldn't turn down. The bit of business was selling a box full of small china ornaments that she had inherited. We found the address without too much difficulty, but it wasn't what we were expecting. We pictured a shop in the town centre, how wrong we were. In a quiet part of Driffield, not far from the town we pulled in the driveway of a very large, beautiful half timbered house, set in it's own extensive grounds.  
The owner greeted us at the door and we followed him inside to the rooms he has set aside for his business. 
After introductions Helen set about unwrapping the ornaments, each one carefully enclosed in bubble wrap. Across the corridor I spotted the showroom, I was amazed at the sight of thousands of tiny china ornaments all sorted, and placed carefully on the shelves, and priced up. I asked permission to take photo's. 
 During the unwrapping and chatting process we found out that they also do B & B.

When the deal was done, we were shown around. The rooms were stunning. They have kept the renovations sympathetic to the style of the period, it's like a stately home, they should be charging for guided tours.

Fabulous big bathroom. 

All the rooms were huge, you could have a party in them. 

 How about eating your breakfast in this room.

It's also the lounge where you can sit and relax with a glass of wine. 
 We were invited to take a stroll through the grounds before we left. Hey, look at me, Lady of the Manor.

There is a pond with a boardwalk alongside it.

And a little bridge to go into the woods on the other side, and benches to sit down.

Look at that setting, isn't it fabulous. It must be amazing to live in a house like that.

Absolutely stunning, I love it, I want to move in, ha ha. 

Well what a bonus that turned out to be, we didn't expect to see anything like that. Afterwards we had lunch in the Secret Garden Cafe in the town centre and had a mooch in a couple of charity shops.

The Crested China Company has a web site, you can take a look at it with this link. The Highfield Bed and Breakfast also has a web site, but unfortunately the link doesn't work. If you want to book a stay there, send an email to the china company.

One last picture. Helen spotted this mummy duck with her babies on the edge of the stream alongside the car park. The youngsters look really cute all lined up asleep with their beaks pointing in the same direction.

That's all for tonight, it's getting late and I'm tired. I've had a lovely day, thanks to my friend for treating me. Goodnight and Toodle pip.

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