Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday snippets

I'll kick off with a thanks today, lots of thanks in fact, to those who read and those who comment. I am chuffed that you are interested in my travel notes. I like to share little snippets of our wonderful island. I try to capture the diversity of it but my photo's don't do it justice, it is far better in the flesh. Thank you for coming along with me, you are very welcome.
What's the recipe today, says she who doesn't do recipe's, I just post ideas, you can make of them what you like. I have an abundance of courgettes from the six plants in the garden, so it's courgettes all the way now. There are still a lot of broad beans to get through, and when they have finished there will be tons of runner beans. Along with the potatoes, these four vegetables will save me a load of money, I won't need to go shopping so often. Here we have one courgette and a handful of  broad beans softened in a drop of oil over a low heat for a few minutes. Added to this is garlic powder, then just before they are ready I added some soft cheese and garlic. You can guess that I like garlic. Served on a slice of wholemeal bread. It was scrumptious and so simple to make.   
I've started work on the picture, on the back of a piece of fabric. I will show updates as I go along as it will take ages to complete.

My gas and electricity bill arrived from Ebico last week. The amounts are pretty low, as you would expect at this time of year. I like this way of paying, with a quarterly bill, pay for the actual energy I have used, after I have used it. No penalties for paying this way, I will not have direct debit on my utilities. My bills for three months are as follows.
Electricity. 131 kilowatt  at 15.91p = £20.84 plus vat at 5% = £21.88
Gas. 145.08 kilowatt hours at 5.15p = £7.47 plus vat at 5% = £7.84
This is what I expected. I'm pleased I left British Gas and got rid of their standing charges.

I have a new brochure from North Lindsey College, they keep sending me one ever since I did a course a few years ago. I keep looking through it to see if there is anything of interest, but often the price is too high. However, I see there are some new courses and the price is a bit more affordable. There is a sewing club starting in September, £40 for six weeks. That's not bad, £6.66 a week, it would get me out, give me something to do, a cheap source of entertainment is the way I look at it, as well as learning something new. There is also an art club, upcycled textiles, and drawing skills which I will consider. Think I will get myself enrolled on something.

Right lunchtime. More courgettes and beans. Have a nice Sunday. The sun has come out here after a rainy start. Toodle pip.

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