Saturday, July 5, 2014


I took Jack and Honey out on the hills, and Jack decided to go for a mooch in the woods. What did I say about how easy they were to walk, never leave my side, ha ha. Jack came back wearing what looked like two pairs of wellington boots. He had found a nice pond of black mud. I'm just pleased he didn't decide to roll in it. When we got back he looked sheepish at me as I told him to come here, so I could get the hosepipe on his undercarriage. He flopped down on his belly after I washed the front paws, and wouldn't stand, so I couldn't get to the rest. He had to stay outside after that. My friends are back, they went away as Mr and Miss, and came back as Mr and Mrs. They looked really happy, I shall look forward to seeing the photo's. 
A quick lunch today. My first courgette, and some broad beans from the garden, in a pan with a splash of olive oil. A shake of mixed spices and garlic powder, cook for a few minutes and break two eggs into it. When they are scrambled it's done. It was deeeelishus. Simple and tasty.
Sitting outside in the sun with a glass of wine. I've just finished the bottle with my evening meal, which was steamed vegetables and two Quorn veggie sausages. I like to make the wine last three days, sometimes I can stretch it to four.

In between going in and out today I'm starting to collect a few ideas together for this picture. I can't decide whether to start sewing things on now and see how it pans out, or to lay it all out first making sure it is just how I want it to look before I start sewing. There will be a lot of walking away from it and coming back to it, as ideas come into my head. It will take a while.

I don't know if it's the wine or the walking that's making me tired. I think I'll log off and relax for an hour or so before bed time. I have a free day tomorrow but need to get the Dyson out and clean some windows. Have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip.

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