Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A money saving tip

Hi. I have just thought of a new money saving tip which I thought I would share with you. I know you all like to save money wherever you can, cutting down and cutting back. Reducing, making do, and generally using less so you ultimately have more. More money to spend on the little pleasures in life, and more time to enjoy your pleasures. 
To live my simple life I cut corners, reduce the amount of time I spend in the kitchen by creating simple no cook, or one pan meals, thus reducing my spending on gas and electricity, and giving me more time to play and create, and go out. 
I don't have the washer on the go until I have enough clothes to fill it. I have enough in my wardrobe, I don't think oh I need to wash a certain item of clothing because I want to wear it, I just pick something else out of the cupboard or wardrobe. A bit like meal planning actually. I don't go to the shop because I want some potatoes or bread, I eat something else until I need several items, then go to the shop. I don't do a wash every Monday as it used to be done years ago, and I don't do a weekly shop every Friday either. I do these chores when they actually need doing. 
I keep the garden tidy by doing an hour or two at a time. I enjoy working in the garden much more than working in the house. Time spent outside is healthy, getting the sun on your skin is healthy, doing exercise outside is healthy. I have a big garden and sometimes I think oh heck, the lawn needs mowing, but when it is done it looks nice and I have had some exercise. I don't get the same buzz when I have washed the pots or dusted. Time spent not doing mundane things means time to do exactly what I like. 
Summer means wearing less clothes. Less clothes means less to wash. I have dug out my skirt from the back of the wardrobe, it's several years old, someone gave it to me. It's fine for pottering around the house. 
Wearing a skirt means less clothes to wash, howzat? Easy. No need to wear anything underneath, nudge nudge wink wink  ;o)) No need to wear socks either, barefoot is fine around the house, feels nice walking around on freshly cut grass as well. So, long skirts out girls, cast aside your knickers pants, feel the breeze and free yourself from the drudgery of housework.
Toodle pip

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