Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to grow chairs

Hello and Good Morning.
I've been at the yooootoooob again, there is so much good stuff on there. I urge all of you to ditch your boring old TV, stop watching the goggle box, and explore around the tooob.

This caught my eye on the BBC web site. There is a short and very interesting video to give you a taster of an amazing concept in furniture making.

Something told me to explore further, and I found this longer video of 15 minutes.

I like this man's way of thinking. It takes 40 years to grow a tree, which will get chopped down, transported at various stages, from the forest, to the factory, and shipped thousands of miles to the shops which will sell the finished furniture. He can grow his chairs on the Derbyshire hillside in six years. We need inventive people like this, and we need to explore new ways of creating things.

Thanks for reading. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip

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