Monday, June 29, 2015

Finding stuff

Hello. Think I'm losing the plot. I keep finding stuff in bins and can't resist rescuing it if I think it might come in useful for something. Look what I found this morning. It's a sheet of plastic mesh, 7 feet by 4 feet, really strong not flimsy, looks like it was some kind of packaging material. 
Photographed on the freshly mowed lawn, do you like my socks. It was so hot today I actually wore a skirt, blimey, don't faint. I exposed my hairy legs, ha ha.

Any ideas what I can do with it. I was thinking more arts and crafts rather than garden use.

Pity I don't live near Glastonbury, did you see all the rubbish left behind after the festival. A lot of it isn't rubbish though. I hope they find a use for most of it. They say it will take them six weeks to clear it, an army of volunteers are on the job. As I understand the word volunteering, they aren't getting paid for it. Will they be able to take anything they want in payment I wonder. Well I wouldn't volunteer to do that job if I was getting nothing for my troubles. Someone's made a shed load of money from the event, you would think they could pay the litter pickers. And why are people so daft as to leave all their kit behind. They carried it all onto the site, you would think they could at least take their tents and sleeping bags home with them. I could make a whole load of shopping bags with the abandoned tents. I hope everything gets recycled and re used.

Someone asked if I was making use of the summerhouse. I've been a bit busy of late, but I am back on the job. I'm making some bunting to decorate it. There's a lot of gardening to do at the moment, everything is growing. Grass to mow, hedges to trim, it's never ending. I might get to actually sit in the summerhouse soon. It's nice that it's lighter for longer, but no sooner than darkness falls it's time for bed. Heidi is still out, I'll have to walk round the garden now and call her in. She usually responds and comes running.
Bye for now. Toodle pip

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