Friday, June 5, 2015

Chucking the rubbish, recycling the might be useful's.

Hello. A trip to the vet was called for this morning, Rocky is not having a very good time with his arthritis at the moment. An anti inflammatory injection was administered, and a slight increase in dosage of his medication was advised. We'll see how that goes over the next few days. I took him to the park yesterday and took his buggy to push him around. He had a little sniffle about in the grass and picked up a few doggy smells, then enjoyed his ride. He is happy being outside with me when I am working in the garden, though it is too hot for him at the moment so he sits in the shade. 
I've got round to using up the last of the decorated paper I made at the Crafty Club. The piece was just enough for a paperback book cover. This time I have sewn on a lot of sequins, and the top and bottom are sewn together with a running stitch, instead of a blanket stitch on the previous one. I like the finish of this one. 

I wanted to tone the white down at the front of the Bespoke Summerhouse, so I mixed some dark blue emulsion paint with yellow gloss paint which made a nice light shade of green. Much better. Still the floor to do, looking for some paving slabs. I also cleared out the wood and rubbish at the back of the garage, and painted that a pale cream colour. Looks a lot more tidier now. 
Today I took a load of rubbish to the Council tip. I almost threw this paste table in the car as it was, but then thought if I take it apart I can maybe use some of it for other projects. Some useful bits of wood there, and screws. The tops were the only pieces that got chucked.

Everything I took was rubbish, fit for nothing else, but peering in the huge skips I saw lots which could have been re used. I took a fancy to a wooden sewing box, a lick of paint and it could be given another life. Taking things out of their skips is not allowed, there are cameras covering the site. I asked the man if I could have the sewing box, but of course he couldn't give me permission to take it. When I got home I emailed the council to ask about their recycling policy, why couldn't people take things which could be used again. We'll see what their reply is.

While I was there I got chatting to someone who was throwing some household stuff away from an open top trailer. I had a look in it and asked what this was. He said it's like an underlay for laying floorboards, peel the plastic off and it's sticky, fix the boards to it. I thought it might come in useful for something so he said I could have it.

He also let me have this, a distressed plant stand. I might paint it as I don't like the shabby look.

Glen asked how much weight the cat food box table would take. About eight and a half stone actually, ha ha. The boxes are very strong, and it has many layers of papier mache and wallpaper covering it. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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