Tuesday, June 9, 2015

No wind today for a walk in Yorkshire

Hello. This is day 2 of the Windy walk in Yorkshire, only today it is not windy, and warm enough to wear the shorts. After a hearty breakfast at the Youth Hostel we set off about 9am, leaving the village of Malham southbound on the Pennine Way. I have walked this section before and know how beautiful it is. The path is well trod and rises up across the meadows overlooking the River Aire on the right hand side. 
This is my kind of heaven for a peaceful meander through fabulous countryside. It is popular with the locals as well, a favourite for dog walkers.

I glanced over to my left and a completely different picture emerges. I could watch clouds for ages. I am a little disappointed that the hidden sun was not quite hidden and put a streak down through the clouds. Otherwise I like the tree silhouette on the horizon.

We passed through Airton, an opportunity for a few village photo's.

I was not able to get up close to this horse as it was in someone's garden, so I don't know what it's made of. Pity about the rubbish in the yard behind it. Interesting life size sculpture though to have in your garden. 
The landscape seems peppered with large houses as well as cottages. Impressive entrance with ornate iron gates.

This little stone bridge crosses the river, I couldn't decide which photo to use, so I have put them both in.

Lichen and ivy cover the wall. I love the textures and colours, it looks a bit like a map. 
At first I thought I could smell cooking, but then noticed the abundance of wild garlic all around.

There are still some bluebells around.

There were wild flowers aplenty in the grass verges. We came off the Pennine Way at Eel Ark Hill, and took to the road at this point.

More big houses at Eshton. This is Eshton Hall, the nearest I could get to it with the camera on full zoom. 
We found ourselves back in Flasby for the last section of the walk. From there we took a path through Cragg Wood which ran parallel to the path we started out on. A little way into the woods we came across a stainless steel memorial bench, surrounded by rhododendrons. A perfect place to have a bite to eat.

 I was looking forward to the grand finale of the walk, the map indicates a long track through dense trees. Oh dear, the land management team have created a graveyard of bare bones strewn across the hillside. No sign of the trees, they must have been harvested. One consolation was that over to the right it had opened up fabulous views across the valley. I hope they do some replanting here, as it looks rather desolate at the moment.

We joined the road at Tan House Farm and made our way back to the car. A shorter day today, so we could get back by tea time. A smashing walk all round, a bit of allsorts. That's my fix of wandering the countryside for couple of weeks or so, now back to enjoying my home, garden, village, and pet family.

A Youth Hostel post to follow. for Sandy, and anyone else who is interested.

The sun is out and I have things to do. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip

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