Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hand on heart....... X 32

Good morning, dullish outside, here in North Lincolnshire. I will get out in the garden today, lots of little jobs piling up. Yesterday I found an hour to recover the wooden shelves at the side of my garage. The plastic was falling apart and rain had got in and damaged the cat beds. A refurb was needed so my kitties have somewhere under cover to lounge in the sun, ha ha, where is the sun? 
My latest crafty project is finished. I started this a week ago, told you I was hooked on hearts. I had a spare picture frame which someone had given me, so I thought of an idea to fill it. Sixteen small felt hearts are exactly the right size for it. These are the hearts laid out on a white satin background. I took the pictures before I put the glass front on it so as not to have any reflections. Each one is hand sewn, with beads, sequins, snippets of plastic leaves, and bits of broken jewelry. 

Here they are in the frame, just got to slot the glass on top, before I seal the back up. It's a new frame, but a second hand one could easily be used instead.

I am really chuffed with this. Proof that you don't need to spend hardly any money on materials for crafting purposes. Most of the felt was given to me by a friend in the village, and some from the Scrapstore. The beads and sequins are a combination of what I have collected over the years, mostly from charity shops and car boot sales, and some which have kindly been sent to me by readers.The frame was given to me. I cut 32 hearts in two sizes, then mixed up the colours, adding random embellishments from my stash. I really really like this so I'm going to keep it, but will show it at any talks I do as an example of crafting on a budget. That reminds me, I have a talk tomorrow afternoon to do, so I'd better get some stuff ready to take.

Anyone going to have a go at making hearts? Feel free to copy any of my ideas, as I often get inspiration from other bloggers, and yoootooob videos. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Thank you for popping in.
Toodle pip

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