Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Hello. Apologies if you are eating, maybe read this after you have finished your meal. A question. What is the most important thing in your life. Most people would say their kids and their family, their other half, followed by pets perhaps. What is at the top of the list for you? I admire those that love other people more than themselves, it shows a compassion for their fellow human beings, and should be applauded. I admire those people who go through traumatic experiences, and somehow come out the other end to pick up the pieces and carry on with their life. It is very important to build up a resilience to all the unpleasantness that might come our way.

So what am I waffling on about? For me, the most important thing in my life is trying to maintain my reasonably good health. If I were to fall ill I would be the worlds worst patient, I would moan and groan that I can't do this or do that. I would sit around and become a right miserable and crabby old witch. I would feel sorry for myself, I would be depressed saying why me, why has this happened to me. I don't want to become that person, so I try hard to look after myself.

Our NHS offers free healthchecks, eye tests, tests for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and bowel cancer. And if we have any other concerns about something which is not quite right with our bodies we can make an appointment to see a doctor. We are lucky to have this service.

I was reading in the newspaper that people ignore the test for bowel cancer because it is too much faff. I don't like faffing too much because it wastes time, but this is one faff I am happy to put up with. It could save my life.

Here are some figures.
Cervical screening has 79% take up, breast cancer screening 72%, on average only 54% of the target population accept an invitation for bowel cancer screening, with only four out of ten taking up the offer, according to the charity Beating Bowel Cancer.

My test is ready to put in the post. If you get one of these, don't bin it, don't leave it lying around to think about it, don't moan that it's too much faff.  Ok, it's not very nice to mess about with your own poo, it stinks, you might feel sick, but for goodness sake, it's only the waste matter from all the food you have noshed. Put a face mask on, open the window, spray some perfume around, it only takes a minute or two. If  your health is the most important thing to you, JUST DO IT. If not for yourself, do it for your loved ones who will be left behind if you die.

Thank you for reading. Come back soon.
Toodle pip

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