Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ta-ra Chuck

Hello. I've been to a funeral today, well not quite, I didn't make it to Liverpool, but the funeral came here into my living room via yooootoooob. I still can't quite believe that Cilla has gone, such a terrible tragedy. I'm feeling so sad. She played a big part in my teenage years, I grew up with her. I adored her. I copied her fashions and her hairstyle, I bought the teen magazines and stuck her pictures all over my bedroom walls. I was so thrilled when she came on Top of the Pops on a Thursday night, or Ready Steady Go on a Friday night, I never missed those programmes.

The sixties pop scene was magic for an ordinary shop girl like me. I went to a Youth Club in a Village Hall where we played records and drank bottles of pop. I dressed up, back combed and laquered my hair Cilla style, black eye liner with false eye lashes and lots of pan stick, and went to discos. I made my own dresses, sixties style, because I couldn't afford to buy them. Short skirts up to my backside, I had a good pair of pins.

I used to hang around on street corners chatting and laughing with my mates, or go and get a hot dog off the man in his van in the Market Place. I used to go to the 76 Club in the High Street when I was 17, said I was 18 so they let me in. A long dark, smoked filled room where you were squashed up to everyone else because it was so popular. I imagined that I was in the Cavern Club, I felt dead cool, hanging out with the in crowd. And of course Cilla was always there in the background.

And now she is gone, it's hard to believe.

This is how I remember her.

Sir Cliff Richard sings his own personal tribute, Faithful One. It was beautiful.

God bless you Cilla, you brought a lot of joy to my life. Rest in Peace. Tarra Chuck

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