Friday, August 14, 2015

Rabbiting on

Hello. At last, I'm sitting down and chillin with a mug of coffee, it's been a hectic day. Yesterday I thought I didn't have much to do today, and could spend the day sewing. It didn't turn out like that. First off I noticed that Bugsy's claws needed clipping, and I don't have the tool to do that. Luckily Janet has, so she came round and did the deed, me holding him tight in a towel, she trimmed.

Then I made the decision to take Heidi to the vet, her neck looks sore and she is looking a bit sad. I have bathed it but it doesn't seem to be healing. I needed to get there for 11.30 and be first in the queue, the vet should turn up at 12noon on a Friday. She was a bit late, that's normal, she gets held up at the main practice. Marion said she though Heidi might be anaemic and suggested blood tests. I thought that was a good idea, but best to go to the main practice some miles away for that. She rang and made an appointment for me.

Back home for lunch. Check emails. There was one from the Rabbit Rescue. A neighbour has two rabbits which she wants to re home, she has been waiting for a place for them. I have been helping her out with feeding them because she is busy. Now the rescue has a place and the neighbour is away on holiday. I know the lady who runs the rescue, that's why she emailed me, so I offered to deliver the rabbits. Then I went round to the neighbours father who lives down the road, to ok it with him. Yes fine he said. It was arranged for a 7pm delivery.

Then off to the vet again, the big practice on the other side of town, with Heidi. I had to wait a long time, they were busy. Heidi has had a sample of blood taken, the results will be through on Tuesday. She has also had an antibiotic injection for her sore neck. Poor Heidi.

I called in at the small Tesco on the way back to get some milk, and some treats for Heidi, I need to get her to eat more. Make myself a quick dinner with courgettes, mushrooms and celeriac. Then neighbours father came round and between us we got the rabbits into the cat carrier box. The food, hay, and water bottles went with them.

The rabbit lady runs the rescue from her home. She has a courtyard at the back of the house with all the pens, it looks very comfortable, and clean, and well organized. There are plants in pots, secure pens, and lots of bunnies. Mandy is the Founder and has been running it since 1996. She is dedicated to rescuing rabbits and every Sunday morning you can see her at the local car boot sale raising funds for them. Here is a link to Scunthorpe Rabbit Rescue.

Phew, now I'm back home and able to sit down for a rest. It's been a busy day, always something to do.
Thank you to those who have emailed me about the possibility of meeting up in Norfolk next month. I shall reply soon. Have a nice weekend, and thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip

Here's a bit more rabbit.

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