Saturday, August 22, 2015

The bag of many colours

Hello peoples, there's thunder in the air on this hot and humid night. The last dog walk is done and we are snug indoors. It's been a sweltering day. I ventured into the garden for about an hour, to tidy up and have a firkle in the potato beds. The weeks spuds are washed and ready. It was too darn hot to stay out any longer. All week I have been sewing, this is what I've been doing. I'm making a bag. 
First off get a piece of hessian type sackcloth, fold it in half so it's double thickness, I don't want a floppy bag. Then cut strips of colourful fabric and machine them on, starting at the bottom. Right sides facing then fold it over and iron. Carry on with the next piece of fabric the same way until the whole piece is covered. Doesn't matter about the edges being uneven, they will be trimmed. 

This is one side almost finished. I have cross stitched all the seams, and put random embellishments on with more cross stitching. I have put two darts on the top edge to bring it in a bit. 

This is the back of it which will be covered by the lining.

Next I cut a piece of red cotton fabric from a bed sheet I got from a charity shop, especially for the purpose of lining bags. I pinned them together and machined them leaving the top edge open. Then I turned it the right way and ironed it. I am making the front and back of the bag separately, then the two pieces will be hand sewn together because it will be too thick to go through the machine. That's the front completed, more on this later. 
Hey, how do you like my new shirt, super isn't it. I was in the Age UK charity shop yesterday, everything £1, and I couldn't resist this shirt. It's 100% cotton and brand new. Aha, another cushion cover I thought, sort of matching the others I have made with stripey shirts. I've got plenty of stuffing to make the cushion. 
An amazing bargain, why bother going to a real shop when prices are this cheap.

My dinner tonight, steamed potatoes, carrots, onions, peas, and spinach, with a quarter slice of quiche. A couple of dollops of tartar sauce went down well with this. I am stuffed.

Thanks for popping in, glad you could make it. Have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip

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