Monday, November 5, 2012

A few notes while I'm waiting

It's worse than watching paint dry. Have you ever tried to upload a video onto yootoob? It takes forever and a day. I started it off about 3pm, and it still isn't done at 7.30pm. Hang on, I'll have a look at where it's at, 65% so far, good grief I'll be here all night at this rate. The video is only about nine minutes long, why it takes this long completely baffles me. There must be a quicker way of doing it, at this rate it would take a fortnight to upload a film. Anyway, I'll carry on and see if it is ready by the time I finish putting a few words down here.

I took some books back to the library today, there was three out of the six I previously posted about, which I didn't read cover to cover. I got half way through the Peter Purves autobiography and was bored with it. It was a plodding book, an account of his family, his school, and his working life. Not much humour, not much passion, just plodding. While I was reading it I could imagine what his voice might sound like if he was reading it out aloud, probably all one tone with no expression. I flitted through the last half and that was that.

I didn't read the Doreen Tovey book, just picked bits out of it. I tried to read it, I started at the beginning, but there wasn't much story to it, not much was happening. Just what the cats and the donkey did next. The Remembering the High Street book was more like a magazing in hardback, not the sort of book you need to start at the beginning with. I picked the interesting bits out and looked at the old photographs. It's the sort of book you can go back to at a later date and read a bit more.

I chose three new books. Worth Fighting For by Lisa Swayze. The first chapter is about how she met Patrick, the second chapter is called The Diagnosis, so it looks like most of the book is about the 21 months of his illness before he died, and how Lisa managed to cope afterwards. My second choice is a book about Walking the Pennine Way, by Simon Armitage. Right up my street, or should I say footpath. The third choice is A Countryman's Lot by Max Hardcastle. It's a biography about a couple who move to a smallholding in the Yorkshire Dales. I found this book in the large print section, does this mean I will be able to read it more quickly than a conventional size print book, ha ha.

Just checked yootoob, we're on 82% so it's getting there. Keep typing. I've made a start on another body panel art work today I've been turning ideas over in my mind for the past few days, trying to decide what I could do with it. I wanted to drill some holes in it and borrowed a friends power drill, but the two test holes I did took quite a bit of effort. I thought the drill would cut through the plastic in no time, but it was pretty tough. Spose it has to be as it's part of a car body. Wouldn't do to be a piece of flimsy plastic which would crumple on the slightest impact. Anyway, I might give up on the holes idea, I have another idea which involves just paint. You'll have to wait for the finished article, being creative doesn't happen in a flash, us artists need to visualise our masterpieces before we can put the ideas into action, ha ha.

Gawd, only on 87% now. I think I'll go and make a drink while I'm waiting. Right, I'm back, are you still there, or have you fallen asleep waiting. The video is done. So toodle pip, I'll sign off and leave you to it.

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