Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dog sits on a dragonfly

Doesn't time whizz by so quickly these days, it's the weekend again, it will soon be Spring. It was a good day for a walk today, nippy in the air but nice in the sun. We went to nearby Flixborough in the car for a change of scenery. Rocky chased a squirrel but it escaped up a tree, he didn't see the deer that I saw thank goodness, or he might have gone after that as well. We walked through the wood heading for Skippingdale, and came across this wooden dragonfly sculpture. At least I think it's a dragonfly.

After Rocky cocked his leg up against it he tried to climb up it.. Probably thought it was a bench and he would get a treat, ha ha.
There you go Rocky, have you got a good view from up there. What can you see?
I can see a big hawk, it's enormous. Quick lets go, I don't like the look of him. Don't worry Rocky, it's not a real one, it won't hurt you, ha ha.
We met a man on the way back who was walking his two Westies, and tagged along with them. Rocky had a lovely time chasing them across the field, he can run fast even though he is getting on a bit.

I got the cats in early tonight, I can hear bangs outside. I suppose we have to put up with fireworks for the next few nights,  I wish they would stick to November the 5th. Talking of cats, I spoke to Janet yesterday, she informs me that we have re homed 48 cats since we started the rescue two years ago. I think that's quite good, but we can't take in all the cats we are asked to. More phone calls from people wanting to off load their pets, it's never ending. We can only do our best.

You might be interested to know that the post, 'To answer a few points', with 120 comments up to now, has had the highest page views ever. It has overtaken the post 'My home made shoe rack', from August 2009, which incidentaly only had six comments. It's flippin amazing. My overall daily page views have shot up by over 1,000 a day since last week, I think this has come about because someone has mentioned my blog on Money Saving Expert forum again. I often pop in there to keep on top of the job of money saving. There are a lot of informed people on the forum, and I can pick up some tips, even I don't know everything, ha ha.

Only a small top up food shop this week with the few items I picked up yesterday. My Tesco shop can wait a few more days, I have enough food to be going on with. Tesco have sent me some more points vouchers to spend. I need to go on their web site and check how much I have in the pot, as I haven't spent any for ages. I see they have a double up promotion on, £5 vouchers double up to £10, in certain departments for November. I've looked down the list and the only thing I might spend them on is frozen food. I don't want all the Christmassy stuff they are trying to promote. Don't need domestic appliances, toys and bikes, clothing, furniture, skincare and cosmetics, phones, books, no thank you, don't need any of those. But some extra frozen food would be usefull. I also have a £6 off voucher on a £40 spend, so it would be a good idea to use that at the same time. Could get quite a lot of extra food with the vouchers.
Anyway, Saturday night, I hope you are all out on the town. I am full after a big dinner, yep, steamed veg again, ha ha. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.

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