Friday, November 2, 2012

Trolley takes a trip to town

Hi everybody, it's that ridiculous, dotty, bonkers, eccentric old biddy here again, still wearing my Garfield slippers YAY. A bit old, a bit tatty, and yes they have shiny bottoms, but they will last a little while longer. These slippers have made an appearance on here before, when my sister gave them to me for a pressie. There was some concern then when I was expected to fall arse over tit in them and break my neck. I didn't and I am still here.
I'm waiting for the comments on the last post to go over the 100, there are 97 so far. Wooohooo, so many people sticking up for me. I think most of you realise that some of my quirky little money saving habits would not go down well in your own households. I would not expect you to eat out of a pan or pee in a bucket and chuck it on the compost heap if you didn't want to. By the way, I don't do the bucket thing any more, I use grey water to flush my loo with now, ha ha. 
I am pleased that all of you think everyone should be able to live their life as they wish, and it is no one elses business. I take people as I find them. I don't expect people to live like me, and I don't have to live like anyone else. I wouldn't go on someone elses blog and say their house looks a mess, how they live has nothing to do with me. It's very rude to make comments like that.  
I see the Anon who refuses to put his name to his comments has been back with another one, he is becoming quite unpleasant now. I say 'his and he', as I do believe it is a male. I shall leave it as it is, I could delete it, but I think it shows his true colours, an unpleasant bully hiding behind anonimity. Anyway, I shan't let it get to me, I am made of stronger stuff. You can be rest assured that I aint going nowhere :o)
Right, what's the post about today then. Ah yes, my breakfast, scrambled eggs and spaghetti on toast. I sometimes swap breakfast and lunch around, so today I had a bowl of bran flakes for my lunch, just to be different, ha ha.
The water bucket in the downstairs toilet needed topping up, this is where I collect the rainwater. I don't have a water butt, There's nowhere suitable to put one. I can collect enough water here, I scoop the leaves out first so they don't block the toilet up.
I thought I would give my trolley it's first shopping trip. I went to town and parked on some waste ground five minutes walk from the market. I don't pay for parking and always look for a free space. I did the rounds of most of the discount stores, buying a few items here and there. I got four tins of tomatoes from Home Bargains for £1, and found some out of date seafood sauce for 5p a jar. Got some out of date crisps, 50p for 5 packets, the only time I buy crisps is when they are cheap. The usual eggs, and garlic cheese from B & M. Found some small foil trays of cat food reduced to 10p at Asda so I bought 20 of those. And some bananas, brocolli, and butternut squash from Aldi. All the rest was cat and dog food, the trolley was packed full. Now how am I supposed to lift that into the car.
Look at that, must have dragged it through some mud, the wheel is all dirty. Flippin heck.
Oh well, take a few things out then I can lift it.
I was going to tell you that this is a photo of tonights sunset, but you might know it is not, if you happened to be looking out of the window at about teatime. I took it last night actually. The crane at the docks down the bottom of the hill.
It's been a funny old day, a bit exciting too with all the comments piling in. You my dear readers have cheered me up no end, so you can see it is a two way thing. My sincere thanks to everyone who commented yesterday. I am very chuffed indeed that you did. Pop by again if you have a minute. I would love to see you. Toodle pip.

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