Thursday, November 8, 2012

Two walks and a ready meal

Howdy all. It's been a good day for dog walking, crisp and bright, and sunny with a slight breeze. My friend Helen came round with Henry, I borrowed a couple of dogs and Rocky, and we all went a walk in the woods. Here is a little video I did, Mummy Helen is the pack leader. Ignore the first couple of seconds, I shouted to Helen and forgot that I had pressed the start button, ha ha.
After a lunch of beans and scrambled eggs on toast, I got on with some painting. The masterpiece is coming along nicely. When it's finished I'm going to take it back to the bodyshop where I got it from, and ask them if they want to buy it. I think it would look good on the wall in their reception area. I think they will be impressed. They might even order more.  
The sun was still shining mid afternoon, time for another little bimble, this time around Whitton, another village on the banks of the Humber. Hundreds of Canada Geese are gathering, I love seeing these, even better when they are flying overhead chattering away.
The sun is going down, time to make a move back to the car.
My food stocks are getting a bit low, so I'm using up what's in the freezer and cupboard. I've checked the dates on my Tesco vouchers and I've got another week yet. I was going to go tonight, but haven't got time and can't be bothered, so I'll leave it till next week. I hate shopping at the weekend so I'll try and manage.
So what have we here. A home made ready meal. In the bottom is a defrosted portion of veg stew, ingredients courgettes, runner beans, onions, and pasta.
Sweetcorn and cous cous cooked in a pan and spread on the top. Eat out of the tray. Cheap and easy.
Right, I must go, things to do. Got a busy day tomorrow and I must have a bath tonight. I will be mingling with other people rather than dogs, so I must make an effort to smell nice, ha ha. Get out the bubble bath. Toodle pip.

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