Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pruning my list

Ok, so I'm having an overhaul, a sort out, chucking out the chaff, picking out the best, or whatever you want to call it. It's been a while since I started my Facebook page, I only did it because a family member said wouldn't it be nice to keep in touch. Yes, I thought, with a lot of miles between us it would be handy to have the ocassional catch up. After that a few more people emerged once my name was found, to join my band of friends. My complete list after 15 months of membership now stands at the grand total of  23. Whoopeeee, I have 23 friends, I am ecstatic, no not really I am kidding.

Let's take a look at my friends list, without naming names, are they really my friends?  There are five people who live not very far away and I see sometimes while going about my business. They are my friends.

There are four family members, only two of them post regularly, the other two don't post at all. One of the posters is always swearing, so not very pleasant reading. Can't abide effing this and effing that.

There are five people who I used to be friends with quite a long time ago. Years have gone by and we have all gone our separate ways. These need sorting, I might keep two of these as they were very good friends.

So, who is left. One who I communicate with by email, I like her so I'll keep her. Someone I knew a couple of years ago but has not made an effort to keep in touch, even though I have with him. An ex from long long ago. I don't think he wants to know me any more. Another who I knew a couple of years ago and has moved away. I can get news of her through a friend here in the village. Someone who lives about 35 miles away, I tried to keep in touch but there has been no communication from them for a while, so I give up. A person who was a good friend but now has a completely different lifestyle, I can't relate to it. A very nice friend who has emigrated recently with his family, it's nice to see his pictures and read how he is getting on. This may fizzle out eventually as he becomes more established in his new life.

I have been checking Facebook daily since I started, and every day I am becoming more brassed off with it. What do I get, people playing this game and that game, oh yeh, so what! Games are not my thing. Tiny snippets of chit chat which need a code book to understand what the heck they are talking about. Text speak, ughhhhh. What happened to English. Text speak should be confined to text messaging only, purely to reduce the amount of times you have to press the tiny keys on a mobile phone. And what about all this chit chat. If you are not part of the exclusive little gang you are left out in the cold, just like being ignored in the playground when your so called friends don't want to play with you. It's hurtfull. Then there are the silent ones who never post at all, why are they on there in the first place, it baffles me. And then there are those who post videos from other sources, they pass videos around, share them. Or, hey look at this funny quotation, or join my campaign. Well no thanks actually.

I don't post very often on Facebook, mainly because I write on here every day, it takes all my time up. When I do post something it is a nice photo which I have taken, I think it's nice to share things with my erm friends.

So what did I expect from Facebook. I was rather hoping I could keep in touch with real friends, find out what they were up to, not make a load of fake friends who have either disappeared off the radar or I have no chance of ever meeting. The reason I have never encouraged anyone who reads my blog to join my Facebook page is because you are my bloggy friends, and we meet on here. That is fine by me. We are aquaintances, and are never likely to be true friends in the correct sense of the word. You come and go whenever you feel like it, and I love it when you pop in. You have your life, I have mine. End of.

The term friend on Facebook means someone who you might have known, a friend of a friend of a friend, someone who you used to know many moons ago who are now keen to build up their network of fake friends because big number must mean that you are a wonderful person and loved by thousands. I don't need that, so on that basis, I'm out. Got that saying from Dragons Den, ha ha. Some people announce when they are sorting out their friends list, I am just going to do it. If anyone is not prepared to put a bit of effort into being my friend they are for the chop. I add my bit to their comments, I expect them to do the same on mine. Isn't friendship supposed to be a two way thing? I've got to go out now, I'll do a bit of pruning later.
Toodle pip. have a nice weekend.

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