Thursday, November 1, 2012

To answer a few points

Hey, Thursday lunchtime and the sun is back, don't know how long for though. I went out for an hour this morning and it was flippin freezing, still need to wrap up. I've just finished the last of the not very nice bean, carrot, and onion soup. It had gone a bit thick so yesterday I added half a tin of chopped tomatoes, and cooked two portions of wholemeal pasta, which made dinner last night and lunch today. Job done, I managed to salvage something from the yucky looking gruel, it wasn't too bad actually.

I'll have a bit of a catch up today, I see there has been a heated discussion between Anonymous and Anonymous on the post 'Bring on winter, I'm ready for it'. Not sure how many Anonymouses were involved actually, it's difficult to know who is saying what when no one is giving their name. Spose I could disable the Anonymous option, but I won't because it allows genuinely interested people to comment, as well as those who randomly pop in and have a go at me. I can take it, I have a thick skin, ha ha. If you are anonymous and add your name to the text, thank you very much. At least you have the balls to identify yourself. Right, let's look at what has been written. Anonymous writes in red.

Anonymous said...
Are you keeping your furniture warm too or expecting the decorators to arrive?
My three piece suite is covered to keep it clean and free of cat hairs. It is fabric and would look shabby if I allowed cats to climb all over it. It has to last me for the rest of my life, therefore taking care of it makes sense to me. I can remove the covers if anyone comes to visit.

In my opinion you're taking frugality to the point of being (and looking) ridiculous. Do you get many visitors - friends popping round for a cuppa? No I thought not.
Does it matter what I look like in my own home? No of course it doesn't. I can look as ridiculous as I like, there is only me to see me, that's unless I choose to post the picture on here. In which case I don't give a monkeys what people think of my appearance. My friends know me and my lifestyle, they know they won't be walking into a pristine showhouse with me glammed up to the nines. They are welcome to call in for a cuppa, but they will have to bring their own tea bags, I don't have any. I can offer them coffee. I do get a few visitors.

When I was a child there was a woman in our street who looked and acted like you, she was known for being odd. When she died aged 66 she had nearly a million pounds in the bank, hadn't left a will, no relatives. You can guess where her money ended up.
I can assure you I have no money stashed away anywhere. It is my intention to sell up and spend up before I die, hopefully. I have made a will, just in case there is anything left.

There are no pockets in shrouds Ilona! Heat the room you're in and stop being so ridiculous. 
Why should I spend money on heating when I am not cold.? I have just been to a friends house to see to their dogs, I have a key to let myself in. The heating is blasting out in there and they are at work. Now that is ridiculous. Hope I have addressed your points in a clear and concise manner. 

This Anonymous adds her name to the bottom.
I like much of what you write about, I have made a simple living choice myself and could afford to not work following redundancy at 53. I know the difference between wants and needs and prefer my pets to consumerism.
Thank you, it's nice to know you are living your life as you want to.

I do draw the line at living a cheerless comfortless life. Your photo made me sad.That is your home and it looks so cheerless.
I don't know where you get the idea from that my life is cheerless and comfortless. Where have I ever said that I am fed up, sick of everything, want to top myself, moan, whinge, and cry in my coffee? Never! My home is practical, functional, plain, and basic. I don't need fancy nicknacks, and matching this and that. I have never placed any value on owning stuff. We don't own our possessions, they own us. You can decorate your home all you like, but everything in it is borrowed, and will all be given back.

I had a vision of you on a hospital trolley with a foot or worse injury, frozen to the core.
You really have got a wild imagination. Is there no heating in hospitals these days?

There is no merit in making a virtue from using grubby ancient makeup
There is a virtue, I am not buying more because I don't need it. And if everyone stopped buying things they don't need, and stop robbing the earths resources, there will be enough for everyone. Oil is running out, trees are being ripped down, destroying animals natural habitat. The human race really is destroying the planet. I am proud that everything I own has to last me, even my grubby ancient makeup.

and eating wierd weird food combinations.
C'mon, where is the adventure in you, where is the learning new things, the exploring new experiences?

Everyday life counts and eating from a pan is the pits.Employ some grace in day to day life.
I can't see the sense in transferring food from a pan to a plate to eat it if you are alone. Eat from the pan, it achieves the same results, you fill your stomach. Less washing up, uses less hot water, less wash up liquid, and saves time.

Do you know, I love being me, I love not having to conform to what other people think I should be. I don't feel deprived because I sit in my plain and basic house wrapped up in layers of clothes, on the contrary, I feel free of all the shackles of consumerism, free of all the rules about how one is supposed to look or act. Stuff and rules are what bog you down, chuck the stuff and break the rules is what I say.
Toodle pip.

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