Sunday, November 11, 2012

A morning walk and a crafty afternoon

Good evening gang Well that's another weekend done and dusted. Don't the weeks just fly by, must be the shorter days we are having. The church bells were ringing loud and clear as I passed by this morning, calling people to the Remembrance service. I love the sound of church bells in a village.
Most of the leaves have fallen off this tree now, and given the grass a golden carpet.
Down the hill and a walk around the fishing pond. This is the small pond next to the big one, no fishing allowed in here, it's all given over to wildlife.
I made a little video this afternoon. Some people might like to see a bit of my craft work. I have written about this particular piece before, but the post is a bit buried in the archives now. I call it my rock pool. Take a look if you are into crafts, it might give you some ideas. You have seen some of the things I collect, well sometimes they get used for projects such as this. I like to look at my stash of stuff and come up with an idea for it. Most people get the idea to make something first, then go out and buy the materials. I like to use what I already have. Every so often though I have to put the brakes on my collecting as it is easy to get carried away. I can safely say I don't need to save anything else for a while, I have got plenty of stuff to play around with. Goodnight, and Toodle pip.

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