Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Can you resist it?

How much willpower have you got? Would you eat the not very healthy cheese and onion crisps, or would you go for the fresh nectarine and grapes, topped with chopped mixed nuts and plain yogurt?
I had to make the choice this morning. I am in the habit of eating fruit around mid morning, there are some good prices at the moment so it makes sense to take advantage of that. Sorry about the messy bowl, I took the photo when I was half way through it.
But why did I have crisps in the house. I don't normally, because I can't be trusted to not eat the whole lot in one go, but on Sunday I bought a six pack while I was out walking. I fancied some as I haven't had any for weeks, and I do love Walkers cheese and onion. 
My will power is very good, I can happily not go down the cakes, biscuits, fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets aisle. I am not tempted to put a choc bar in my trolley when I get to the checkout. I can force myself to walk straight past Thornton's Chocolate shop, without stopping to lust longingly at the window display.
But very occasionally I can fall off the wagon, and treat myself to a bag of crisps, or a small packet of shortbreads, or a Magnum ice cream. And that's exactly what they are, treats.
When I bought the crisps in the Spar Shop, I spent ages mulling over which treat I should choose. I didn't want to spend more than £1. I wanted something that I hadn't had for ages. Something that I really enjoy the taste of. And something that doesn't have a lot of sugar in. I give careful consideration to all my purchases no matter how small they are. 
Buying healthy food is a lot easier for me than buying junk. I have no hesitation in choosing fruit and vegetables, because I know they are good for me. I eat wholemeal or seeded bread, wholemeal pasta, and brown rice. I try and reduce my sugar, salt, and fat intake where I can.  Monitoring everything I put in my mouth helps me to keep to the weight I am now, eight stone and a bit.      
The fruit was very nice. I have eaten the crisps today, so no more for another six weeks. A plate of vegetables for dinner, and more fruit for tomorrow.
Yesterday I made some courgette and potato soup. Haven't bothered with a photo, you can guess what it looks like. I had a tin of Value potatoes, reduced to 12p because it was dented, bought to take with me to the Youth Hostel. I didn't use it so I thought, make soup. I tried a potato straight from the tin, and I have to say I wasn't impressed, it tasted of nothing. It turned into a tasteless paste in my mouth. However, mashed up with the boiled courgette, with spices and herbs thrown in, it is ok. Nothing gets wasted here. Seven tubs of soup now in the freezer, and still loads more courgettes to go at.
I've been sewing and gardening today. More squares for the patchwork, and hedges have been cut. A few more flowers are appearing on the gigantic sunflowers. I'm going to have to climb a ladder to take a photo of them. Still having to water from the tap, need more rain.
Tattybyes for now.   

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