Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A very large deposit

It's been a busy but enjoyable day today. Fabulous weather, just right for a dog walk. Paul asked me if I could take his boys out, who could say no to these handsome chaps. Ollie on the left, and Alfie on the right. Come on boys, let's have a bimble around the village.
Big dogs mean big poo's. Tesco Value nappy bags are no good for these fellas, plastic carrier bags needed for their molehill size deposits, ha ha.
Off we go boys, and no jumping in that mucky ditchwater. I don't want to have to give you a wash when we get back.  
It is Paul's 50th birthday today. Happy Birthday Paul, so when I got home I made him a card. Print the above photo and attach it onto some glittery paper with sellotape, then sew it onto a blank card. The card by the way is pale green, it doesn't show up very well on this photo. Then find two more bits from my stash of old cards, cut them out and sew them on with the same coloured embroidery thread. The '50 today' is fourteen years old, I got lots of cards for my 50th because I had a party. Still got them. Inside I have put a white paper insert to write the message on, and cover the stitching. Paul will get a surprise when he looks in the wine bottle bag. He won't find a bottle of plonk, but a bottle size courgette, ha ha. Well I've got to get rid of them somehow and I know he likes cooking.       
Now let's measure this up for size, am I nearly there yet. Still a lot more to do. Keep plodding on. I reckon at least another six rows to do, it's going to take chuffin ages. Never mind, something to do in the cold winter days and long winter nights. 
Right, it's time for my bath, got to go. I'm getting my toothy pegs looked at tomorrow, so I want to smell sweet when I'm stretched out in the dentists chair. Must be awful for her if she gets a whiffy patient. I've got to see a new dentist because my regular one is on maternity leave. How chuffin inconsiderate of her to have a baby just when it's time for my checkup. I'll let you know what the new lady is like. 
Have a nice evening. Toodle pip.  

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