Saturday, August 31, 2013

The way to town

Hello there. I spent the morning doing a few chores, cleaning windows, and washing nets. Mayze will insist on jumping up onto the window sill in the kitchen, every time I clatter a few pots about. I'm sure she can here me when she is at the other end of the garden. She has a saucer permanently on there, and sits by it waiting for me to fill it with some lipsmackin morsels. The nets were filthy where she rubs up against them. Many a time I find she has pulled them down altogether. They are on one of those telescopic extending poles, and she gets them wrapped around her, and down they come as she twists and turns.  
After an early lunch I decided I had better get some walking practice in, so I walked to town and back, a total of 11 miles. I could see a lot of dust blowing across the track in the distance. The cause of it was a combine harvester getting the grain in and depositing it into the trailer. There's no way I'm going to walk through that lot, the wind was blowing it across in front of me. Five minutes later the driver had finished, and set off to gather another load. I waited until he was at the other end of the field before I carried on walking. 
The last part of the route is pretty boring, passing industrial estates, and walking along busy roads. But this bit is quite nice, past the big pond, or should it be a lake. The council have installed a new tarmac cycle track, it takes you away from the road, which runs beyond those trees on the left hand side. They have also put in some handy benches to sit a while if you so wish. I sat down on the way back and ate my sandwich. The sun was shimmering on the choppy water, whipped up by the wind, and the ducks were foraging around the edges.   
I need to get on with printing the maps now, and making a list of what I need to put in my rucksack. I bought some new socks today. I remember last time my feet were a bit uncomfortable because I was wearing old worn out socks. Not much fun if your feet hurt.
There's a party going on tonight in a back garden round the corner in the next road. They have a live band and it's blasting out. They only have it once a year, and nobody seems to mind. I don't get an invite because I am not in their circle of friends. I've shut the windows and taken my hearing aid out, ha ha.
Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.

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