Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fab Saturday night in.

It doesn't take much to amuse me on a Saturday night, I am so enjoying myself I almost forgot to post this. Got a bit carried away with the patchwork stitching, and watching vids on yooootooob. Old episodes of Brookside, that used to be my favourite soap. Then I got onto Graham Norton chat shows, I think he is so funny. One leads to another and before you know it a couple of hours have passed. Who needs a TV when there is so much to watch free. 
I went in the kitchen to make a drink to find Mayze and Heidi staring at something underneath the cupboards. How they managed to remove one of the kick boards I don't know. they must have charged at it with such force that the clips holding it in place dislodged. They are the boards around the bottom of the cupboards if anyone doesn't know. All was revealed when a tiny brown mouse scurried across the floor. Like a shot I quickly chased the cats out of the kitchen and shut the door, so that I could catch the mouse. Don't want that running around the house. I had to remove another kick board and reach underneath with a tea towel, the poor little mouse was hiding in the corner. Luckily I managed to pick it up, and I took it a swift walk down the street where I let it go on the village green. It will have to take it's chances there, I don't want my cats bringing it in again.    
In praise of omlettes. Don't you just love a fat tasty omlette, I do. Another idea to eat up those courgettes. In a large frying pan, and I had to dig mine out of the back of the cupboard as I haven't used it for ages, I put a lump of olive spread, and and a splash of toasted sesame seed oil. I added a chopped medium size onion, one chickeny quorn burger cut into pieces, and lots of sliced courgette. Cook this for a while, keep moving it about so everything is cooked evenly. I added a teaspoon of veg gravy granules, shake of black pepper, and mixed herbs. Make sure everything is cooked through.     
Then pour on two beaten up eggs. Leave on the gas for a minute so the bottom cooks, then move it under the grill so the top cooks and puffs up nicely. I laid on top some strips of smoked cheese. It made a wonderful plate size omlette, enough for two people if you want to have some veg or salad with it, but I am a pig so I ate it all by itself. Lovely and filling, and lip smackin fab.  
Someone suggested some courgette recipes using the oven. Thank you so much for that. I don't use my oven at all. It's not worth heating up a whole oven for a little bit of food, and I don't bake, and the only batch cooking I do are soups and stews. I want to use as little gas as possible as it all adds to the cost of the meals. I try and make a meal in one pan, sometimes use the grill, and sometimes the microwave.
Thank you Lonya and Jan for your emails. I am chuffed to hear that you read my blog. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.

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