Friday, August 9, 2013

Cooking courgettes

Twas a good discussion yesterday about buying v renting houses. Thank you all for taking the time to write lengthy comments about your own personal circumstances. It was good to read your take on it. It's the biggest decision we all have to make in our lives, apart from the one about if we marry and who we marry. The financial climate is changing all the time, and what might  have been straight forward years ago regarding buying property, isn't so cut and dry now. There are far more complications along the road to house ownership, which makes people think again as to wether they want to sign the next thirty years of their life away. With employment being so unpredictable, it's a huge risk to commit to buying, when there is no guarantee you will have a job in the future. It must be very scary for the young home owners of today. I don't know what I would do if I had to make that decision now.
Hey, look at the size of this courgette. It's a whopper, and that's a dinner plate. I have ended up with six plants and they seem to be sprouting these in abundance. If you remember I bought three plants at the village fete because mine weren't doing very well. Now they have caught up and I've got courgettes everywhere. So, what to do with them. I chopped this one up into chunks. .  
In the pan I cooked some red lentils and a chopped onion for 30 minutes. Added a shake of curry powder, turmeric, veg stock cube, dried herbs, and threw in some porridge oats to thicken. Then add the courgette and simmer gently for ten minutes.  
Let it cool and put into five margarine tubs, and into the freezer. These will do nicely with some rice, or pasta, or potatoes.
This is what eight foot high sunflowers look like. I have seen some in other gardens, but none as tall as this. The first flower that came out has lost it's petals.
These two are facing into the garden.
And this one is facing the other way over the back of the garage. There are lots of buds waiting to open, I wish they would hurry up because they are drinking gallons of water.
It's a nice sunset tonight I see, it's going down behind the houses opposite. I took this photo a few nights ago from behind the church, and forgot to post it. Never mind, it will do here.
I picked up a few bits of shopping on my way back from Helen's new house today. I've added it to the food diary started on the 1st of August. No need to do a big shop yet, with the veg out of the garden I can manage with a top up shop. I have eaten all the broad beans, and now the runner beans are ready. I stuck my hand into the potato beds yesterday and picked out a big pan full, enough for three or four days. I shall be pulling them out as I need them.
Bugsy cat has just scrambled up onto my knee. The old boy is getting very thin now, even though he can eat for England and always lets me know when he wants food. He must be about 18 now, I'm going to be so sad when the time comes. He's been a wonderful friend.
Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip

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