Saturday, August 3, 2013

My mouse is sick

And a very Good Evening to you, thanks for poppin by, glad to see you, well no, I can't actually see you, but I have a feeling that you might be there, that's if you are not somewhere else. Well I am here, even if nobody else is. If you are not here, you might be along later. After all it is a Saturday night and folks are usually busy whooping it up at a party, or something. I'll get started, catch up later if you are not here.
I have rather a lot of courgettes, so I'll be eating them every day from now on. I don't mind, I love them. My lunch today was scrambled eggs with a difference. Here's a way to bulk it up and make a full meal. Roughly chop a large onion and some courgettes. In my case it was half a green one and half a yellow one, because they are so big. Cook them in some oil, I use toasted sesame seed oil because I like the nutty flavour. You can use any oil of your choice, butter or margarine if you so wish. Cook slowly over a low heat untill they are soft but not mushy, a little bit crunchy is best.
Then break in two eggs and keep stirring over a low heat, untill the eggs are scrambled. I served it on a slice of wholemeal toast, you could have it with some salad, or couscous, but to be honest, it is so filling you might not need anything else. You could add a little seasoning if you like.
I gave my neighbour two courgettes, handed them over the fence to her in the back garden. She was chuffed to little mintballs, said she hadn't seen a yellow one before, and she would cook them for dinner tomorrow.
I had my usual veg selection for dinner tonight, but I actually had some gravy with it. No I haven't flipped, you know I don't normally have gravy, but my nephew gave me a packet of Bisto Vegetable gravy granules when I visited him last month. He bought them specially for me, but as I didn't stop for dinner he gave me the packet to take home. I put two teaspoons of it in a mug and half filled it with boiling water, as per the instructions on the side. It wasn't too bad at all. This packet will last a long time as I won't be using it on a regular basis. Not even sure if I would buy another one, I can take it or leave it.
Hey, look at my fancy pants, ha ha. I saw these in the Hospice shop yesterday, only £1.50, and was immediately drawn to them. Not that I want to wear them, but the fabric will look good mingled into the patchwork.
Isn't it a fab colour. The label says, Love to Lounge, I think they are meant for around the house, perhaps they are the bottoms of a pair of pyjamas, it would cause quite a stir if I stepped outside in them. I've often thought a jazzy pair of lightweight trousers would be good for walking in when it isn't either hot or cold, wonder if I dare, ha ha. Seems to be the fashion to go out in your pyjamas these days.
I've just realised that the left click on my mouse isn't working, that could have been the problem with uploading pics. I couldn't position the curser in the right place for them to drop into. I can move it along with the keyboard, or I can right click then left click immediately on top of it, and it works. Now I find I can't highlight the text to change it from justify centre to justify left. I hate my text centralised. I want it butted up to the left hand side, not in the chuffin middle. I have got into the habit of typing the words first then moving it across. Bother, I'll have to finish this off on the little computer. Don't go away.
Toodle pip.  

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